Have you ever wondered what the chances were for killing that 25 hp creature with your lvl-5 fireball? Of course you have(it's 3.24%. Good luck with that). What about if you could use your loaded dice that roll 6 twice as often. We've got you covered (still only a 10% chance). Want to make sure you'll win a bet on a number spread for DND dice randomly grabbed from a bag? No problem("i'll bet you can't roll 150-200 on 7D4, 4D8, 5D12 and 4D20" ... because it's a 0.3% chance). Ever wondered what would happen if you flipped a coin a thousand times? (Your chance of flipping heads more than 600 times is 0.000000009%.)
Impress your friends. Wow the gender of your choice - with .... DICETABLES!!!
This module has no dependencies and no requirements. So to get started, simply:
$ pip install dicetables
$ git clone https://github.com/eric-s-s/dice-tables.git
$ cd dice-tables
$ python setup.py install
The basic objects to use are DiceTable or DetailedDiceTable, and any of the dice classes. They are:
- Die
- ModDie
- WeightedDie
- ModWeightedDie
- Modifier
- StrongDie
- Exploding
- ExplodingOn
- BestOfDicePool
- WorstOfDicePool
- UpperMidOfDicePool
- LowerMidOfDicePool
for details about the dice, see The Dice. for details about the dice-tables see DiceTable and DetailedDiceTable
These are all immutable objects. When you add dice to a DiceTable, it returns a new object and
doesn't alter the original. Use the DiceTable.new()
class method to create an empty DiceTable.
>>> import dicetables as dt
>>> empty = dt.DiceTable.new()
>>> empty
<DiceTable containing []>
>>> empty.add_die(dt.Die(6), times=10)
<DiceTable containing [10D6]>
>>> empty
<DiceTable containing []>
>>> table = empty.add_die(dt.Die(4), times=3)
>>> table = table.add_die(dt.Die(10), times=5)
>>> table.get_list()
[(Die(4), 3), (Die(10), 5)]
>>> print(table.get_dict()) # This is each roll and how many times it occurs.
{8: 1,
9: 8,
10: 36,
11: 120,
12: 327,
55: 3072,
56: 1608,
57: 768,
58: 327,
59: 120,
60: 36,
61: 8,
62: 1}
To get more detailed information, use EventsCalculations. It can get the mean, stddev, a nice string of the combinations, points and axes for graphing, and stats for any set of rolls.
>>> calculator = dt.EventsCalculations(table)
>>> calculator.mean()
>>> calculator.stddev(decimal_place=8)
>>> calculator.stats_strings(list(range(8, 20)) + [35] + list(range(50, 63)))
StatsStrings(query_values='8-19, 35, 50-62',
>>> calculator.percentage_points()
[(8, 1.5624999999999997e-05),
(9, 0.00012499999999999998),
(10, 0.0005625),
(59, 0.001875),
(60, 0.0005625),
(61, 0.00012499999999999998),
(62, 1.5624999999999997e-05)]
>>> big_table = dt.DetailedDiceTable.new().add_die(dt.Die(6), 1000)
>>> print(big_table.calc.full_table_string()) # DetailedDiceTable owns an EventsCalculations
1000: 1
1001: 1,000
1002: 500,500
1003: 1.672e+8
1004: 4.192e+10
1005: 8.417e+12
3513: 1.016e+776
3514: 1.012e+776
3515: 1.007e+776
3516: 1.001e+776
3517: 9.957e+775
3518: 9.898e+775
5998: 500,500
5999: 1,000
6000: 1
You can now roll events with a Roller
>>> events = dt.DiceTable.new().add_die(dt.Die(6))
>>> roller = dt.Roller(events)
>>> roller.roll() in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
That should get you started. For details see http://dice-tables.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
and the github repository at https://github.com/eric-s-s/dice-tables
If you want to contribute, you'll need to install the dev requirements.
$ git clone https://github.com/eric-s-s/dice-tables.git
$ cd dice-tables
$ pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r dev.requirements.txt
$ pytest . --cov=dicetables
$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit run -a
To build the docs:
$ sphinx-build -M html docs build
and then open ./build/html/index.html in your browser
to build a distribution:
$ python -m build --sdist
$ python -m build --wheel
and then you can pip install them directly.