This is a short example on how to use erldb.
In directory models we have a module that specify the model. In src/ we have a config value model_path that specifies were the model compiler should look for files.
In we have a rule for compiling models called model. If you don't have this rule create it:
./deps/erldb/priv/compielmodel $(PROJECT)
$(PROJECT) is your application where you have specified your model_path
Use the Makefile to build your application:
(We have some issues with compilemodel script it crash if you try building twice in a row)
$ erl -pa ebin/
Erlang R16B01 (erts-5.10.2) [source-bdf5300] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.10.2 (abort with ^G)
1> rr("include/tags.hrl").
2> A = #tags{}.
#tags{id = undefined,title = "Fancy title",text = undefined,
created = undefined}
3> A:uppercase_title().