This is a "port" or rather a rewrite of the 1D dungeon crawler called TWANG.
The original game is written for Arduino and is inspired by the game wobbler.
- Python 3 (I guess? I do not even know Python 2)
- pyGame
- Implement all the features of the Arduino implementation
- Allow simulation on the pc, for easier development and maintainability.
- Eventually port to run in circuit/micro python.
- Eventually port onto the iCEBreaker FPGA running RISC-V and some custom LED string PPU.
Here is a basic todo list for the 1-1 port of the game. I bet it is not even a complete list.
- pygame LED string emulation
- Screensavers
- Mode 0: Marching green <> orange
- Mode 1: Random flashes
- Mode 2: Dots in bowl
- Mode 3: Sparkles
- Mode 4: Dot scroll
- Controls
- Player
- Player attack/shield
- Enemy
- Particle
- Spawner
- Lava
- Conveyor
- Boss
- Settings