Releases: esendex/esendex-java-sdk
Releases · esendex/esendex-java-sdk
Adds the ability to get and create opt out resources.
Includes some changes and improvements to the existing tests to increase coverage for regression protection.
Create an instance of the optout service
UserPassword userPassword = new UserPassword("YourUsername","YourPassword"); BasicServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.createBasicAuthenticatingFactory(userPassword); OptOutService optOutService = serviceFactory.getOptOutService();
Get single opt out
OptOutResponse optout = optOutService.getOptOut("b6a39581-9cfc-40ea-9b40-9320444cf49d");
Get paged opt outs
OptOutCollectionResponse optouts = optOutService.getOptOuts(1, 15);
Create an opt out
FromAddress fromAddress = new FromAddress(); fromAddress.setPhoneNumber("99887744556322"); OptOutRequest request = new OptOutRequestImpl(); request.setAccountReference("EX006789"); request.setFromAddress(fromAddress); OptOutResponse optout = optOutService.createOptOut(request);
Release 3.0.0
Default to sending requests over HTTPS.
Release 2.1.0
Allows the use of Surveys API
Release 2.0.2
Allow setting the "characterset" of messages to send so that Unicode messages can be sent.
Release 2.0.1
Deprecated old User based contacts in favour of new (universal) method.
Added JavaDocs.
Release 1.0.1
Build version inlined and set User-Agent This also includes the dependencies when packaging, reverting a change made previously.