This gem provides a quite comprehensive library of Issuer Response Code and 3D-Secure Status Code descriptions (for both cardholders and merchants) with suggested actions in many languages:
Complete locales:
- en
- pl
- es
- fi
- fr
- hr
- it
- nl
- pt
Incomplete locales:
- da
- de
- ee
- lt
- lv
- sv
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'issuer_response_codes'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install issuer_response_codes
For Rails projects, we highly encourage you to create a brand new initializer like config/initializers/issuer_response_codes.rb
. You can then define your own context with the desired default options like so:
# config/initializers/issuer_response_codes.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true
default_target: :merchant,
default_locale: :en,
fraud_notice_by_default: false # decide whether fraud attempt warnings/notices should
# be added to code descriptions by default
Afterwards, all Issuer Response Codes you create using this context as a proxy will use these settings by default (You can always override them).
# app/models/some_model.rb
def response_code_description
::ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.code(id: '43').description
#=> "Stolen card. Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
::ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.code(id: '43', fraud_notice: true).description
#=> "Stolen card. Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later. IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is forbidden to retry transactions that ended with this code. It may be recognized as a fraud attempt!"
::ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.code(id: '43', locale: :pl).description
#=> "Karta oznaczona jako skradziona. Skontaktuj się z Twoim bankiem w celu wyjaśnienia przyczyny problemu."
def tds_code_description
::ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.tds_code(id: '09').description
#=> "Security failure"
::ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.tds_code(id: '09', target: :cardholder).description
#=> "Card authentication failed"
::ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.tds_code(id: '09', locale: :pl).description
#=> "Niepowodzenie autoryzacji karty"
This gem provides an easy way of handling Issuer Response Codes and 3D-Secure Status Codes. Whether you need detailed descriptions, short reasons or suggestions of what to do when a certain Code appeared, we've got you covered. Certain more explicit codes like `Stolen card' are masked behind more generic terms when you choose to target cardholders.
You can choose the main target of these descriptions (certain details are hidden for cardholders)
# Default values are as follows:
# target: :merchant, locale: :en, fraud_notice: true
# fraud_notice is set to true by default when target = :merchant
code = '43')
code.reason #=> "Stolen card."
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later. IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is forbidden to retry transactions that ended with this code. It may be recognized as a fraud attempt!"
code = '43', target: :merchant)
code.reason #=> "Stolen card."
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later. IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is forbidden to retry transactions that ended with this code. It may be recognized as a fraud attempt!"
# fraud_notice is set to false by default when target = :cardholder
code = '43', target: :cardholder)
code.reason #=> "Your bank has declined this transaction."
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
Certain Issuer Response Codes may signify that the transaction may be viewed as a fraud attempt. As such this gem provides appropriate warnings. You can manually decide whether these warnings/notices should be added to descriptions or behaviour suggestions generated by this gem.
By default descriptions targeted at merchants have these warnings, while those targeted at cardholders omit them.
code = '43', target: :merchant)
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later. IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is forbidden to retry transactions that ended with this code. It may be recognized as a fraud attempt!"
# fraud_notice is set to false by default when target = :cardholder
code = '43', target: :cardholder)
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
This however can be overridden by explicitly passing the fraud_notice
keyword parameter
# default options can be overridden
code = '43', target: :merchant, fraud_notice: false)
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
# fraud_notice is set to false by default when target = :cardholder
code = '43', target: :cardholder, fraud_notice: true)
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later. IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is forbidden to retry transactions that ended with this code. It may be recognized as a fraud attempt!"
The default locale is :en
. Only the first two are complete, the rest are partially in English.
code = '54')
code.reason #=> "Expired card."
code = '54', locale: :en)
code.reason #=> "Expired card."
code = '54', locale: :pl)
code.reason #=> "Karta utraciła ważność."
A full list of available locales is stored in IssuerResponseCodes::AVAILABLE_LOCALES
The reason
method returns a relatively short description of the main reason why the Issuer Response Code appeared in the first place.
code = '14')
code.reason #=> "Invalid card number."
code = '51')
code.reason #=> "Insufficient funds."
code = '59')
code.reason #=> "Your bank has declined this transaction"
The behaviour
method returns a suggestion of what to do when the Issuer Response Code appeared. Mainly for cardholders.
code = '14')
code.behaviour #=> "Check entered data and try again."
code = '51')
code.behaviour #=> "Please check funds on your account and try again later."
code = '59')
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
The description
method (aliased as humanize
) is a combination of both the reason
and behaviour
of a Issuer Response Code
code = '14')
code.description #=> "Invalid card number. Check entered data and try again."
code = '51')
code.description #=> "Insufficient funds. Please check funds on your account and try again later."
code = '59')
code.description #=> "Your bank has declined this transaction. Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
The fraudulent_code?
method returns true
when the Code indicates fraud.
code = '14')
code.fraudulent_code? #=> false
code = '04')
code.fraudulent_code? #=> true
code = '43')
code.fraudulent_code? #=> true
You can choose the main target of these descriptions (certain details are hidden for cardholders)
# Default values are as follows:
# target: :merchant, locale: :en
# fraud_notice is set to true by default when target = :merchant
code = '11')
code.reason #=> "Suspected fraud."
code = '11', target: :merchant)
code.reason #=> "Suspected fraud."
# fraud_notice is set to false by default when target = :cardholder
code = '11', target: :cardholder)
code.reason #=> "Card authentication failed."
Certain 3D-Secure status codes may signify that the transaction may be viewed as a fraud attempt. As such, this gem provides appropriate warnings. You can manually decide whether these warnings/notices should be added to descriptions or behaviour suggestions generated by this gem.
By default descriptions targeted at merchants have these warnings, while those targeted at cardholders omit them.
code = '09', target: :merchant)
code.behaviour #=> "Please use a different card or contact issuer. Transactions with this code may be considered fraudulent."
# fraud_notice is set to false by default when target = :cardholder
code = '09', target: :cardholder)
code.behaviour #=> "Please use a different card or contact issuer."
This however can be overridden by explicitly passing the fraud_notice
keyword parameter
# default options can be overridden
code = '09', target: :merchant, fraud_notice: false)
code.behaviour #=> "Please use a different card or contact issuer."
# fraud_notice is set to false by default when target = :cardholder
code = '09', target: :cardholder, fraud_notice: true)
code.behaviour #=> "Please use a different card or contact issuer. Transactions with this code may be considered fraudulent."
The default locale is :en
. Only the first two are complete, the rest are partially in English.
code = '11', target: :cardholder)
code.reason #=> "Card authentication failed."
code = '11', locale: :en, target: :cardholder)
code.reason #=> "Card authentication failed."
code = '11', locale: :pl, target: :cardholder)
code.reason #=> "Negatywny wynik silnego uwierzytelnienia w systemie banku."
The reason
method returns a relatively short description of the main reason why the 3D-Secure status code appeared in the first place.
code = '01')
code.reason #=> "Card authentication failed."
code = '07')
code.reason #=> "Invalid transaction."
code = '20')
code.reason #=> "Non-Payment transaction not supported."
The behaviour
method returns a suggestion of what to do when the 3D-Secure status code appeared. Mainly for cardholders.
code = '01')
code.behaviour #=> "Check entered data and try again."
code = '07')
code.behaviour #=> "Please check funds on your account and try again later."
code = '20')
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
The description
method (aliased as humanize
) is a combination of both the reason
and behaviour
of a Issuer Response Code
code = '01')
code.description #=> "Invalid card number. Check entered data and try again."
code = '07')
code.description #=> "Insufficient funds. Please check funds on your account and try again later."
code = '20')
code.description #=> "Your bank has declined this transaction. Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
The fraudulent_code?
method returns true
when the TdsCode indicates fraud.
code = '11')
code.fraudulent_code? #=> true
code = '22')
code.fraudulent_code? #=> false
code = '26')
code.fraudulent_code? #=> false
You can make use of the Context
class to easily create your own default configurations. Contexts work as proxies which create codes for you.
# non-standard default configuration
default_target: :cardholder,
default_locale: :pl,
fraud_notice_by_default: true # decide whether fraud attempt warnings/notices should
# be added to code descriptions by default
# now just use this object as a proxy
code = ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.code(id: '43')
code.reason #=> "Bank odrzucił autoryzację."
code.behaviour #=> "Skontaktuj się z Twoim bankiem w celu wyjaśnienia przyczyny problemu. UWAGA: Nie należy powtarzać obciążeń dla tej karty! Może to zostać uznane za próbę oszustwa!"
tds_code = ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.tds_code(id: '11')
tds_code.reason #=> "Niepowodzenie autoryzacji karty"
# these can always be overridden
code = ISSUER_RESPONSE_CODES.code(id: '43', locale: :en, target: :merchant, fraud_notice: false)
code.reason #=> "Stolen card."
code.behaviour #=> "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later."
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.