esp-at project was started and powered by Espressif Systems (@espressif) as an official project, for the ESP32-C3, ESP32, ESP8266, and ESP32-S2 Series SoCs provided for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
It is now supported and maintained by Espressif esp-at team (@esp-at).
esp-at is Free Software under a MIT license.
Espressif Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® chipsets are often used as add-on modules to seamlessly integrate wireless connectivity features into new and existing products.
In an effort to facilitate this and cut down on engineering costs, Espressif Systems has developed a set of AT commands that can be used to interface with Espressif products.
"AT" means 'attention'. Each command string is prefixed with "AT", and a number of discrete commands can be concatenated after the "AT".
The AT command firmware allows for rapid integration by providing:
- In-built TCP/IP stack and data buffering
- Easy integration with resource-constrained host platforms
- Easy-to-parse command-response protocols
- Customized, user-defined AT commands
There are several guides for esp-at developers and users. These guides can be rendered in a number of formats, like HTML and PDF.
Documentation for the latest version: This documentation is built from the docs directory of this repository. -
The Changelogs of historic released versions:
Check the Issues section on GitHub if you find a bug or have a feature request. Please check existing Issues before opening a new one.
The esp-at forum is a place to ask questions and find community resources.
ESP32-C3 Series
- Preferred recommended chip for using ESP-AT on
- Recommended released version: v2.4.1.0
ESP32 Series
- Recommended released version: v2.4.0.0
ESP8266 Series
- ESP32-C3 is recommended to use instead
- ESP-AT will not release the major version for ESP8266.
- ESP-AT no longer adds new features to ESP8266.
- v2.2.1.0_esp8266 is the last version of ESP-AT for ESP8266, corresponding to branch release/v2.2.0.0_esp8266, corresponding to documentation
- ESP-AT will regularly update release/v2.2.0.0_esp8266 branch for ESP8266. Update includes vital bugfix and security repair.
ESP32-S2 Series
- ESP32-C3 is recommended to use instead
- ESP-AT will not release the major version for ESP32-S2.
- ESP-AT no longer adds new features to ESP32-S2.
- v2.1.0.0_esp32s2 is the last version of ESP-AT for ESP32-S2, corresponding to branch release/v2.1.0.0_esp32s2, corresponding to documentation
- ESP-AT will regularly update release/v2.2.0.0_esp32 branch for ESP32-S2. Update includes vital bugfix and security repair.
Other Series
- ESP-AT will support ESP32-C2 and ESP32-C6 series of chips.
- ESP-AT will not support ESP32-S and ESP32-H series of chips.
esp-at 作为由 Espressif Systems (@espressif) 发起和提供技术支持的官方项目,适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS 上的 ESP32-C3、ESP32、ESP8266、和 ESP32-S2 系列芯片。
当前该项目由 Espressif esp-at 团队 (@esp-at) 负责技术支持和维护。
esp-at 是 MIT 许可证下的免费软件。
乐鑫 Wi-Fi 和蓝牙芯片可以用作附加模块,完美集成在其他现有产品上,提供无线通讯功能。 为降低客户开发成本,乐鑫开发了一套 AT 指令集,方便客户简单快速地使用 AT 指令来控制芯片。
乐鑫提供的 AT 指令固件具有以下特色,利于芯片集成到应用中:
- 内置 TCP/IP 堆栈和数据缓冲
- 能便捷地集成到资源受限的主机平台中
- 主机对指令的回应易于解析
- 用户可自定义 AT 指令
这里为开发者和用户提供了一些指南,这些指南可以以多种格式呈现,比如 HTML 和 PDF。
最新文档见:。该文档是由本仓库 docs 目录 自动编译构建的。 -
如果你有 bug 上报或者功能需求,可以在 GitHub Issues 里提交。请在提交前检索下是否有相同的 Issue。
esp-at 社区 可以用来询问问题或寻找一些社区资源。
ESP32-C3 系列
- ESP-AT 首选推荐芯片
- 推荐使用的发布版本:v2.4.1.0
ESP32 系列
- 推荐使用的发布版本:v2.4.0.0
ESP8266 系列
- 推荐使用 ESP32-C3 芯片
- ESP-AT 不再为 ESP8266 添加新功能
- ESP-AT 不再为 ESP8266 发布大版本
- v2.2.1.0_esp8266 是 ESP-AT 为 ESP8266 发布的最后一个版本,对应分支为 release/v2.2.0.0_esp8266,对应文档为
- ESP-AT 将定期在 release/v2.2.0.0_esp8266 分支为 ESP8266 进行重要 bug 修复,安全修补等更新
ESP32-S2 系列
- 推荐使用 ESP32-C3 芯片
- ESP-AT 不再为 ESP32-S2 添加新功能
- ESP-AT 不再为 ESP32-S2 发布大版本
- v2.1.0.0_esp32s2 是 ESP-AT 为 ESP32-S2 发布的最后一个版本,对应分支为 release/v2.1.0.0_esp32s2,对应文档为
- ESP-AT 将定期在 release/v2.2.0.0_esp32 分支为 ESP32-S2 进行重要 bug 修复,安全修补等更新
- ESP-AT 将计划支持 ESP32-C2、ESP32-C6 系列芯片
- ESP-AT 无计划支持 ESP32-S、ESP32-H 系列芯片