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Requirements & Used components

  • xmonad >= 0.17
  • dotfiles (highly recommended)
Component Description
WM xmonad
Compositor picom
SysTray trayer
Bar xmobar
Shell bash, dash, fish
Editor neovim
Widget conky
GTK-Theme gruvbox-gtk-material
Icon-Theme gruvbox-gtk-material
AppLauncher rofi & demenu
UI Font monospace
Terminal alacritty
Terminal Font monospace & FiraCode NerdFont
FileManager pcmanfm

Manual Installation

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Copy to ~/.config
  3. Follow xmoand docs


  1. This config focuses on making things easier and faster for the user
  2. Keybinds used are based on vim keys (hjkl)

Fixes implemented

  1. Uses XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (checkDock) to fix conky
  2. Uses XMonad.Hooks.DynamicProperty (onXPropertyChange) to do shift spotify to target workspace