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Etherisc Platform for eSusFarm

Etherisc Integration Architecture

Use to render the diagram below.

package "AIC" as insurer {


package "eSusFarm Platform" as esus {
  component "eSusFarm Backend" as backend

package "Etherisc Platform" as etherisc {

  package "Off-Chain" as offchain {
    component "API Server" as api
    component "Analytics" as analytics
    database "Mongo DB" as db

  package "On-Chain (Polygon)" as onchain {
    component "Crop Product\nSmart Contract" as product
    component "Crop Riskpool\nSmart Contract" as pool
    component "GIF Instance\nSmart Contracts" as instance

  backend -right-> insurer
  backend --> api
  api --> db
  analytics --> db
  api --> product
  api --> instance
  product -right-> pool
  product --> instance
  pool --> instance

Etherisc Data Architecture

Model Definition

The diagram below shows the layout for entities with their attributes.


    class Entity {
        On-chain Attributes
        Off-chain Attributes ()

On-chain attributes are located in the upper part of the box and can be read by anybody.

Off-chain attributes are located in the lower part of the box and are only stored in classical IT systems. These attributes are considered private data and can only be read by people that have the necessary authorization.

Data Model Overview


    Policy --o Person
    Policy --o Risk
    Policy --* Payout
    Risk --o Config
    Risk --o Location

    class Person {
        ID ()
        First Name ()
        Last Name ()
        Gender ()

    class Policy {
        Person ID ()
        Risk ID
        Subscription date
        Sum Insured amount
        Premium amount

    class Payout {
        Payout amount
        Execution date

    class Risk {
        Config ID
        Location ID
        Draught Loss
        Excess Rainfall Loss
        Total Loss
        Final Payout

    class Config {
        Start of season
        End of season
        Client () do we need this?

    class Location {
        Region ()
        District ()
        Subcounty ()
        Latitude ()
        Longitude ()

Data Flow

The product definition data below is shared before the beginning of the season

  • INPUT Location
  • INPUT Config
  • INPUT Risk (with deductible, without loss and payout values)

The onboarding data below is shared during the beginning of the season

  • INPUT Person
  • INPUT Policy

The data below is shared at the end of season (as soon as loss/payout data becomes available)

  • INPUT Risk (loss and payout values)

At the end of the season the Etherisc platform provides the following data

  • OUTPUT Payout data per policy

API Details

example values taken from

Location API (Example)

POST /api/location

Request Body

    "country": "UG",
    "zone": "Central",
    "district": "MASAKA",
    "subcounty": "Kabonera",
    "village": "Kiziba",
    "latitude": -0.4365,
    "longitude": 31.6780,
    "openstreetmap": "",
    "coordinatesLevel": "VILLAGE",
    "onchainId": ""

Data field comments:

  • id: Existing system ID or value derived from it


  • id: not null, unique

Config API (Example)

POST /api/config

Request Body

    "isValid": True,
    "name": "MainSeasons2024",
    "year": 2024,
    "startOfSeason": "2024-08-01",
    "endOfSeason": "2024-12-31",
    "seasonDays": 120,
    "franchise": 0.1,
    "createdAt": 1700316957,
    "updatedAt": 1700316957,

Data field comments:

  • id: Existing system ID or value derived from it


  • id: not null, unique
  • region: element of fixed set of regions
  • start of season: >= 2024, valid iso date
  • end of season: within meaningful range given start data

Risk API (Example)

POST /api/risk

Request Body

    "isValid": True,
    "configId": "7Zv4TZoBLxUi",
    "locationId": "kDho7606IRdr",
    "crop": "coffee",
    "startOfSeason": "2024-08-01",
    "endOfSeason": "2024-11-30",
    "deductible": 0.0,
    "draughtLoss": 0.27,
    "excessRainfallLoss": 0.05,
    "totalLoss": 0.27,
    "payout": 0.27,
    "finalPayout": 0.27,
    "createdAt": 1700316957,
    "updatedAt": 1700316957

Data field comments:

  • id: Existing system ID or value derived from it


  • id: not null, unique
  • configId: existing config
  • locationId: existing location
  • crop: element of fixed set of crops

Endpoint to provide end of season data

Person API (Example)

POST /api/person

Request Body

    "locationId": "U6ufadiIe0Xz",
    "externalId": "PRS1234",
    "lastName": "Auma",
    "firstName": "Florence",
    "gender": "f",
    "mobilePhone": "+25656234567",
    "wallet":  "0x03507c8a16513F1615bD4a00BDD4570514a6ef21"

Data field comments:

  • id: Existing system ID or value derived from it


  • id: not null, unique
  • gender: null or regexp

Policy API (Example)

Things to define/questios

  • Dealing with application states. Assumption is we don't need this for the MVP
  • Multiple policies per person. Assumption is we have one policy per person for the MVP
  • Link between sum insured and premium. To be calculated in smart contract (eg via ratio in risk)?
POST /api/policy

Request Body

    "personId": "fXJ6Gwfgnw-C",
    "riskId": "t4FcP75uGHHc",
    "externalId": "ABC123",
    "subscriptionDate": "2024-06-14",
    "sumInsuredAmount": 1000000.0,
    "premiumAmount": 200000.0,

Data field comments:

  • id: Existing system ID or value derived from it


  • id: not null, unique
  • person id: person existing
  • risk id: risk existing
  • subscription: to be defined
  • sum insured: float, meaningful range (tbd)
  • premium: float, meaningful range

amounts in ugx

Python Setup

After a devcontainer rebuild you might need to uninstall/reinstall the right python packages first

You have to cd first as two incompatible requirements.txt are needed

Apple Silicon

Install rosetta 2 first

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

Rebulid container

Brownie Setup

Inside devocontainer shell install brownie and compile contracts

pip install eth-brownie
brownie console

in console

def frm(account):
    # priority fee attribute required when working with anvii
    return {'from':account, 'priority_fee': '2 gwei'}

cnt = Counter.deploy(frm(accounts[0]))
cnt.setValue(42, frm(accounts[0]))

Step by Step

# you have to cd first as two incompatible requirements.txt are needed
cd scripts
# or here
cd app

pip freeze > uninstall.txt
pip uninstall -y -r uninstall.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
rm uninstall.txt

Check Brownie Console (Anvil)

touch /home/vscode/.brownie/packages/etherisc/[email protected]/.env
touch /home/vscode/.brownie/packages/etherisc/[email protected]/.env
brownie console
xof = EXOF.deploy({'from': accounts[0], 'gas_price': web3.eth.gas_price})

Deploy Setup on local Anvil

from scripts.deploy import help

Finalize Season

  1. Transfer model owner back to product_owner
  2. Finalize risk
  3. Process policy
product.transferModel(product.getOwner(), {'from': product.getOwner(). 'gas_price': web3.eth.gas_price})
model.setRisk(risk_id, True, True, {'from': model.owner(), 'gas_price': web3.eth.gas_price})
product.processPolicy(policy_id, {'from': product.getOwner(), 'gas_price': web3.eth.gas_price})

Work with Polygon Mainnet

Add polygon to brownie networks and start console using it.

Set the alchemy project id in the .env file in the project root.

brownie networks import polygon-network.yaml
brownie console --network=polygon-alchemy

Upload Data

cd upload_data

Current state

from read_pam import load
data = load()

#  check 1st row of pam excel
data['Reporting PAM'][2]

Python Setup

UV is used for Python project and package management.

Running the API Server Locally

uv run python3 app/

Open the browser at http://localhost:8000. The actual port is shown in the ports tab of VSCode.

Initial Project Setup

The information below is just for documentation purposes. Do not actually run these commands again.

The following commands were used to create the initial UV based Python project.

uv init --app --name esusfarm
uv add uvicorn fastapi pydantic_settings pymongo web3 openpyxl loguru iso3166 nanoid jwt

Initial Dokku Setup

# create dokku application 
dokku apps:create esusfarm-api

# add new domain and remove default domain
dokku domains:add esusfarm-api
dokku domains:remove esusfarm-api

# set correct proxy ports for http and https
dokku ports:add esusfarm-api https:443:8000
dokku ports:add esusfarm-api http:80:8000

# create mongo service
dokku mongo:create mongo-esusfarm-api

# link the mongo service to the app
dokku mongo:link mongo-esusfarm-api esusfarm-api

# now push deployment via git 
# 1. add new git remote 'git remote add dokku dokku@<host>:esusfarm-api'
# 2. 'git push dokku master:main'

# enable let's encrypt for https certificates
dokku letsencrypt:enable esusfarm-api

# app should be ready now - open in browser

Dokku Deploy new version


On local machine

git push dokku master:main

Check update in browser

Check MongoDB

Open SSH tunnel to access MongoDB (assuming it is exposed on 29378)

ssh -L 27017:localhost:29378 [email protected]

Verify that MongoDB is exposed under the expected port

dokku mongo:info mongo-esusfarm-api

Browse the database using MongoDB Compass

Check/Fix Things

Switch to remote server

On remote server

# show all apps (should have esusfarm-api in its list)
dokku apps:list
# show log
dokku logs esusfarm-api
# show defined env variables
dokku config esusfarm-api
# set/adapt env variables
dokku config:set esusfarm-api MAPPER_ADDRESS=0x9C0F71971BA7768EADD2421d9Cf2CF9ADA326B84

Dokku mongo debug connection

Example using service mongo-esusfarm-api:

  1. Expose mongo port on dokku dokku mongo:expose mongo-esusfarm-api
  2. Find the exposed port in the output above or via dokku mongo:info mongo-esusfarm-api
dokku mongo:info mongo-esusfarm-api | grep 'Exposed ports:' | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -d'>' -f2
  1. Open ssh tunnel with dokku mongo port forward ssh -L <remote-port>:localhost:27017 user@host (format remote-port:local-host:local-port)
  2. Now connect with mongo client of choice using localhost:6479 as host and the password mentioned in mongo info
  3. When finished, close the ssh tunnel by logging out of the ssh shell and unexpose the mongo port dokku mongo:unexpose mongo-esusfarm-api


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