It is not fully working since a getting started manual is missing.
Now you can play although.
- Install postgres
- Create tables
- Configure auth0
- Clone this repository and start the frontend
git clone [email protected]:ethiclab/kahoot-clone.git
cd kahoot-clone
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
npm start
- Start server from another terminal window
cd kahoot-clone
node server/index.js
It needs a postgres db
Javascript library massive is not working: Our solution was to use directly pg-promise
You need to manually create tables by executing the following scripts under db folder.
You need a free auth0 account and configure a machine-to-machine app with the following confguration: (Maybe not all is needed)
Allowed Callback URLs: http://localhost:3030/auth/callback, http://localhost:3030/auth Allowed Logout URLs: http://localhost:3000/logout Allowed Web Origins: http://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3030 Allowed Origins (CORS): http://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3030 Advanced Settings: Grant Types: Authorization Code + Client Credentials
We have created a file server/cfg.js where you have to configure according to your setup.
- Add more documentation
- Finish to port sql statements from massive scripts under db folder to plain queries using pg-promise.