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Ivet is a command line tool created to generate a schema for a janusgraph database and apply this schema. It has been inspired from Doctrine behaviour. The generate command creates a json file containing commands to execute. The file can be manually modified if you find migration is not complete or does not cover all you deserves. To keep trace of all applied migrations, migration names are saved into janusgraph server when upgrade is called. You can check at any moment the list of migrations both applied and not.


There is a fourth command test. It is used to populate database either for personnal tests or unit tests. Do not use it in your production environment.

Available commands

  • generate
    • dir Dlls to analyze. If not set look in current working directory.
    • output Directory where to put migration file. If not set files are created in current directory.
    • ip localhost
    • port 8182
    • sprintno Add a subdirectory when generating. Use it as you want
    • onefile Create one file per script
  • list Display list of all migrations
    • input Directory where to find migration files. If not set look in current working directory.
    • ip localhost
    • port 8182
  • upgrade
    • input Can be a file or a directory containing migrations to be applied. If not set look in current working directory.
    • ip localhost
    • port 8182

Docker image

Docker image is available there:

To use Docker image, run the following command replacing MyDir with your local dierctory

docker run -v MyDir:/app/Migrations -e ip=localhost ivet

See upgrade command to add your own parameters.

Dotnet Tool

You can install Ivet as a dotnet tool

dotnet tool install --global Ivet

All versions are available on

After the package is installed you can use it like

Ivet list --input "C:\MigrationFiles"

How to tag code?

Add Ivet.Model ( to your project. You are now ready to tag your code. All names and possibilities are listed in Janusgraph documentation at

Tag a Vertex:

public class MyVertex
    public string Id { get; set; }

    [PropertyKey(Name="NewName", Cardinality=Cardinality.SINGLE)]
    public string ANamedProperty { get; set; }

    public List<Vertex3> AListProperty { get; private set; } = new List<Vertex3>();

    public Vertex3[] AnArrayProperty { get; private set; } = Array.Empty<Vertex3>(); 

You can also specify a different name or a cardinality (details at

[PropertyKey(Name="NewName", Cardinality=Cardinality.SINGLE)]
public string ANamedProperty { get; set; }

Tag an Edge:

[Edge(typeof(MyVertex1), typeof(MyVertex2))]
public class EdgeWithProperties
    public int AProperty { get; set; }

You can also tag a property to be used with an index (

public class MyVertex
    [CompositeIndex("unicity_index", IsUnique = true)] // Set unicity of the data
    public string ACompositeIndexProperty { get; set; }

    [MixedIndex("vertex2_mixed", Backend = "search", Mapping = MappingType.TEXTSTRING)]
    public string SearchProperty { get; set; }

What's next?

You can now run a generate command in order to create migration files.


Many files are created by the generate command. One contains vertices and edges and properties. Indices are in different files to avoid timeout at migration time.

You can can have some details of migrations with list.


You can open and manually edit your migration files. In particular there is a description field whose content can be seen with list command

> Ivet list --input ".\Migrations"

Directory: D:\Migrations

 | Name                      | Relative path                  | Description | Date                | Multi? |
 | Migration_202403032330_#0 | 12\Migration_202403032330.json | Part #0     | 10/03/2024 14:21:54 | True   |
 | Migration_202403032330_#1 | 12\Migration_202403032330.json | Part #1     | 10/03/2024 14:22:04 | True   |
 | Migration_202403032330_#2 | 12\Migration_202403032330.json | Part #2     | 10/03/2024 14:22:14 | True   |
 | Migration_202403032330_#3 | 12\Migration_202403032330.json | Part #3     | 10/03/2024 14:22:24 | True   |
 | Migration_202403032330_#4 | 12\Migration_202403032330.json | Part #4     | 10/03/2024 14:22:34 | True   |
