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Documentation for Pupil - open source eye tracking

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This branch is 1 commit ahead of, 2947 commits behind pupil-labs/pupil-docs:master.

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Jun 9, 2017
Feb 8, 2018
Oct 29, 2018
Feb 27, 2018
May 1, 2018
Feb 8, 2018
Mar 16, 2017
Jul 26, 2017
Aug 20, 2018
Mar 7, 2017
Oct 19, 2018
Feb 22, 2018
Mar 6, 2017
Mar 7, 2017
Aug 9, 2017

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User and Developer Docs for Pupil.

This repository is markdown source only! View the docs at


We welcome all contributions! To edit content:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Edit content
  3. Commit and push to your fork
  4. Make a Pull Request

Style Guide

We aim for the docs to be concise and readable.

All content is written in Markdown. If you're new to Markdown see this guide. HTML markup is also parsed, but discouraged unless absolutely needed.

The pupil-docs-website automatically generates the table of contents based on the headings you use in the Markdown file. Special styles are applied for blockquotes > and code blocks ```.

Images and videos should be wrapped with a blockquote >.

We also have a few shortcodes that can be used in Markdown that apply custom html markup.

Content organization, hierarchy, and front matter

We divide content into sections and pages. Each section should be within its own directory. Each section should only have one H1 heading. There can be any number of Markdown files or "pages". All "pages" must use H2 headings or less.

Content is sorted by front matter parameters at the top of each Markdown file.

section_weight sorts the top level sections. page_weight sorts pages within each section. Weights are zero based and should be integers (but floats are also accepted up to first decimal place). Here is an example:

section_weight = 2
page_weight = 0

# Section 2

Top level page within section 2. Note that it contains an `H1` heading. This heading will be used for the section in the TOC.

## Section 2 - H2

H2 heading within section 2. This heading will be used as the first sub-heading within this example section.
section_weight = 2
page_weight = 1

## Section 2 - Page 1

H2 heading within section 2, page 1. This heading will be used as the second sub-heading within this example section.


All H1, H2, H3 headers will be automatically added to the table of contents. Please only use H1-H4 headings (e.g. don't use H5).


Code blocks should be formatted with triple backticks. Code blocks will be moved into the right most column of the website. Here is an example:

print("welcome to pupil docs")

Block Quotes

All block quotes will be automatically moved to the right most column of the website. You can wrap almost any content within a block quote.

Almost all images should be formatted within a blockquote > so that they are moved to the right hand side. Check docs for examples.

Aside Tags

You can add highlighted notes with a little HTML embedded in your markdown document:

<aside class="notice">
  This blue tag is for notice notes.

<aside class="warning">
  This red tag is for warning notes.

<aside class="success">
  This green tag is for success notes.

<aside class="faq">
   This blue grey tag is for frequently asked questions or troubleshooting notes.


Shortcodes are like little html templates that you can use to format content. Shortcodes have been made for frequently used markup in order to reduce the amount of html within the markdown files. Shortcodes syntax is declared like so - {{< shortcode-name attr >}}.

Here is an example of the webp-img shortcode within a blockquote:

> {{< webp-img src="/images/pupil-player/recording/export_folder.webp" alt="Export folder" >}}

Here is an example of the video-webm shortcode within a blockquote:

> {{< video-webm src="/videos/calibration/pupil-detection/pd.webm" >}}

Shortcodes are defined in the docuapi repo


This shortcode is only used for .svg images only.

  • src - required string
  • alt - required string
  • class - optional string
  • width - optional string
  • height - optional string


> {{< figure-img src="/image/dir/img-name.jpg" img-class="class-name" width="100%" alt="short image description" >}}


This shortcode is used for all raster images as .webp images with .jpg as the fallback image.

- `src` - required string
- `alt` - required string
- `figure-class` - optional string


> {{< webp-img src="/image/dir/img-name.webp" figure-class="class-name" alt="short image description" >}}


Youtube videos are lazyloaded meaning requests are made only when the user wants to play the video. Make sure that the provided embed-url are embedded links only - e.g.

  • embed-url - required embed url string


> {{< video-youtube embed-url="/youtube/video/embed/url" >}}


All videos and animations are .webm videos with .mp4 as the fallback video, and formatted to 1280 x 720p

- `src` - required string


> {{< video-webm src="/videos/dir/video-name.webm" >}}

You can contribute a shortcode as a PR to the Pupil Labs docuapi repo

Images & media

All images must be within the content/images directory.

  • Raster graphics should be .webp and .jpg.
  • Vector graphics should be .svg.

All videos/animations must be within the content/videos directory.

  • Videos/animations should have both .webm and .mp4 versions.
  • Including image posters in .webp and .jpg versions.

Webp images can be created with webp:make:img and webp:make:vid gulp tasks specified in the gulpfile.js located in the pupil docs website repo


Any commit to the master branch of pupil-docs triggers a build of pupil-docs-website. scripts/ calls the travis api via curl request using an ecrypted token to trigger the build.


Documentation for Pupil - open source eye tracking






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