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add CompressedSample, CompressedTopology
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joostvanzwieten committed Jun 16, 2020
1 parent 65e1b9a commit 30ecacf
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90 changes: 87 additions & 3 deletions nutils/
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Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,13 @@ def __repr__(self):
def _prepare_funcs(self, funcs):
return [function.asarray(func).prepare_eval(subsamples=self.subsamplemetas) for func in funcs]

def compress(self, indices):
assert indices.ndim == 1
assert not len(indices) or numpy.less(indices[:-1], indices[1:]).all() and 0 <= indices[0] and indices[-1] < self.nelems
if self.nelems == 0 or len(indices) == self.nelems:
return self
return CompressedSample(self, indices)

def index(self):
warnings.deprecation('`Sample.index` is deprecated; replace `Sample.index[ielem]` with `Sample.getindex(ielem)`')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,6 +470,13 @@ def __init__(self, sample1:strictsample, sample2:strictsample, transforms:types.

def compress(self, indices):
assert indices.ndim == 1
assert not len(indices) or numpy.less(indices[:-1], indices[1:]).all() and 0 <= indices[0] and indices[-1] < self.nelems
if self.nelems == 0 or len(indices) == self.nelems:
return self
return CompressedProductSample(self._sample1, self._sample2, self.transforms, indices)

def getpoints(self, ielem):
ielem1, ielem2 = divmod(ielem, self._sample2.nelems)
return points.TensorPoints(self._sample1.getpoints(ielem1), self._sample2.getpoints(ielem2))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,14 +536,22 @@ def __init__(self, samples:types.tuple[strictsample], transforms:types.tuple[tra
raise ValueError('all samples to be chained should have the same dimension')
todims = tuple(root.ndims for root in roots)
self._samples = samples
self._elemoffsets = numpy.cumsum([0, *(sample.nelems for sample in samples[:-1])])
self._pointsoffsets = numpy.cumsum([0, *(sample.npoints for sample in samples[:-1])])
self._elemoffsets = numpy.cumsum([0, *(sample.nelems for sample in samples)])
self._pointsoffsets = numpy.cumsum([0, *(sample.npoints for sample in samples)])
super().__init__(roots, ndims, sum(sample.npoints for sample in samples), transforms)

def compress(self, indices):
assert indices.ndim == 1
assert not len(indices) or numpy.less(indices[:-1], indices[1:]).all() and 0 <= indices[0] and indices[-1] < self.nelems
if self.nelems == 0 or len(indices) == self.nelems:
return self
splits = numpy.searchsorted(indices, self._elemoffsets)
return ChainedSample([s.compress(indices[l:r] - o) for s, l, r, o in zip(self._samples, splits[:-1], splits[1:], self._elemoffsets[:-1])], tuple(t[indices] for t in self.transforms))

def _findelem(self, ielem):
if ielem < 0 or ielem >= self.nelems:
raise IndexError('element index out of range')
isample = numpy.searchsorted(self._elemoffsets[1:], ielem, side='right')
isample = numpy.searchsorted(self._elemoffsets[1:-1], ielem, side='right')
return isample, ielem - self._elemoffsets[isample]

def getpoints(self, ielem):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,6 +587,68 @@ def hull(self):
offsets = util.cumsum(sample.npoints for sample in self._samples)
return types.frozenarray(numpy.concatenate([sample.hull+offset for sample, offset in zip(self._samples, offsets)], axis=0), copy=False)

def integrate_sparse(self, funcs:types.tuple[function.asarray], arguments:types.frozendict[str,types.frozenarray]=None):
results = []
for smpl in self._samples:
results.append(smpl.integrate_sparse(funcs, arguments))
return tuple(map(sparse.add, zip(*results)))

class CompressedSample(Sample):

def __init__(self, base:strictsample, indices:types.frozenarray[types.strictint]):
assert indices.ndim == 1
assert not len(indices) or numpy.less(indices[:-1], indices[1:]).all() and indices[-1] < base.nelems
self.base = base
self.indices = indices
self._renumber = numpy.full((base.npoints,), base.npoints, int)
offset = 0
for baseindex in map(base.getindex, indices):
self._renumber[baseindex] = numpy.arange(offset, offset+len(baseindex))
offset += len(baseindex)
super().__init__(base.roots, base.ndims, sum(base.getpoints(i).npoints for i in indices), tuple(t[indices] for t in base.transforms))

def compress(self, indices):
assert indices.ndim == 1
assert not len(indices) or numpy.less(indices[:-1], indices[1:]).all() and 0 <= indices[0] and indices[-1] < self.nelems
if self.nelems == 0 or len(indices) == self.nelems:
return self
return CompressedSample(self.base, self.indices[indices])

def getpoints(self, ielem):
return self.base.getpoints(self.indices[ielem])

def getindex(self, ielem):
return self._renumber[self.base.getindex(self.indices[ielem])]

class CompressedProductSample(CompressedSample):

def __init__(self, sample1:strictsample, sample2:strictsample, transforms:types.tuple[transformseq.stricttransforms], indices:types.frozenarray[types.strictint]):
self._sample1 = sample1
self._sample2 = sample2
self._prod_transforms = transforms
self._prod_indices = indices
super().__init__(ProductSample(sample1, sample2, transforms), indices)

def compress(self, indices):
assert indices.ndim == 1
assert not len(indices) or numpy.less(indices[:-1], indices[1:]).all() and 0 <= indices[0] and indices[-1] < self.nelems
if self.nelems == 0 or len(indices) == self.nelems:
return self
return CompressedProductSample(self._sample1, self._sample2, self._prod_transforms, self._prod_indices[indices])

def getsubsamples(self, ielem):
ibase = self.indices[ielem]
ielem1, ielem2 = divmod(ibase, self._sample2.nelems)
return self._sample1.getsubsamples(ielem1) + self._sample2.getsubsamples(ielem2)

def subsamplemetas(self):
return self._sample1.subsamplemetas + self._sample2.subsamplemetas

class Integral(types.Singleton):
'''Postponed integration.
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28 changes: 26 additions & 2 deletions nutils/
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Expand Up @@ -73,13 +73,16 @@ def __len__(self):
def empty(self):
return EmptyTopology(self.roots, self.ndims)

def compress(self, indices):
indices = types.frozenarray(indices)
return CompressedTopology(self, indices)

def getitem(self, item):
return self.empty

def __getitem__(self, item):
if numeric.isintarray(item):
item = types.frozenarray(item)
return Topology(self.roots, self.references[item], self.transforms[item], self.opposites[item])
return self.compress(item)
if not isinstance(item, tuple):
item = item,
if all(it in (...,slice(None)) for it in item):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -853,6 +856,10 @@ def __or__(self, other):
def __rsub__(self, other):
return other

def connectivity(self):
return types.frozenarray(numpy.zeros((0, 2**self.ndims), int))

def boundary(self):
if self.ndims == 0:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1974,6 +1981,20 @@ def locate(self, geom, coords, *, eps=0, **kwargs):
raise LocateError('failed to locate point: {}'.format(coords[sample.getindex(ielem)[i]]))
return sample

class CompressedTopology(Topology):

def __init__(self, basetopo: stricttopology, indices: types.frozenarray[types.strictint]):
self.basetopo = basetopo
self.indices = indices

def sample(self, ischeme, degree):
return self.basetopo.sample(ischeme, degree).compress(self.indices)

class RefinedTopology(Topology):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2305,6 +2326,9 @@ def basis(self, name, *args, truncation_tolerance=1e-15, **kwargs):

return function.PlainBasis(hbasis_coeffs, hbasis_dofs, ndofs, self.transforms, self.ndims, function.SelectChain(self.roots))

def sample(self, ischeme, degree):
return DisjointUnionTopology([level[ind] for level, ind in zip(self.levels, self._indices_per_level)]).sample(ischeme, degree)

class ProductTopology(Topology):
'product topology'

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