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Merge pull request #655 from evalf/units
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joostvanzwieten authored Dec 31, 2021
2 parents 7d68bb2 + 4508926 commit cb47070
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Showing 11 changed files with 450 additions and 188 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/test.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ jobs:
id: install
run: |
python -um pip install --upgrade wheel
python -um pip install --upgrade treelog stringly matplotlib scipy pillow numpy
python -um pip install --upgrade treelog stringly matplotlib scipy pillow numpy git+
# Install Nutils from `dist` dir created in job `build-python-package`.
python -um pip install --no-index --find-links ./dist nutils
- name: Test
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion devtools/container/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,9 +57,10 @@
if not examples.exists():
raise SystemExit(f'cannot find example dir: {examples}')

container = stack.enter_context(Container.new_from(base, network='none', mounts=[Mount(src=dist, dst='/mnt')]))
container = stack.enter_context(Container.new_from(base, mounts=[Mount(src=dist, dst='/mnt')]))'pip', 'install', '--no-cache-dir', '--no-index', '--find-links', 'file:///mnt/', 'nutils', env=dict(PYTHONHASHSEED='0'))'pip', 'install', '--no-cache-dir', '', env=dict(PYTHONHASHSEED='0'))
container.add_label('org.opencontainers.image.url', '')
container.add_label('org.opencontainers.image.source', '')
container.add_label('org.opencontainers.image.authors', 'Evalf')
Expand Down
281 changes: 190 additions & 91 deletions examples/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions nutils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,15 +54,20 @@ def mplfigure(name, kwargs=...):
fig.set_canvas(None) # break circular reference

def triplot(name, points, values=None, *, tri=None, hull=None, cmap=None, clim=None, linewidth=.1, linecolor='k'):
def plotlines_(ax, xy, lines, **kwargs):
from matplotlib import collections
lc = collections.LineCollection(numpy.asarray(xy).T[lines], **kwargs)
return lc

def triplot(name, points, values=None, *, tri=None, hull=None, cmap=None, clim=None, linewidth=.1, linecolor='k', plabel=None, vlabel=None):
if (tri is None) != (values is None):
raise Exception('tri and values can only be specified jointly')
with mplfigure(name) as fig:
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
if points.shape[1] == 1:
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlabel=plabel, ylabel=vlabel)
if tri is not None:
import matplotlib.collections
ax.add_collection(matplotlib.collections.LineCollection(numpy.array([points[:,0], values]).T[tri]))
plotlines_(ax, [points[:,0], values], tri)
if hull is not None:
for x in points[hull[:,0],0]:
ax.axvline(x, color=linecolor, linewidth=linewidth)
Expand All @@ -72,15 +77,14 @@ def triplot(name, points, values=None, *, tri=None, hull=None, cmap=None, clim=N
elif points.shape[1] == 2:
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlabel=plabel, ylabel=plabel, aspect='equal')
if tri is not None:
im = ax.tripcolor(points[:,0], points[:,1], tri, values, shading='gouraud', cmap=cmap, rasterized=True)
im = ax.tripcolor(*points.T, tri, values, shading='gouraud', cmap=cmap, rasterized=True)
if clim is not None:
fig.colorbar(im, label=vlabel)
if hull is not None:
import matplotlib.collections
ax.add_collection(matplotlib.collections.LineCollection(points[hull], colors=linecolor, linewidths=linewidth, alpha=1 if tri is None else .5))
plotlines_(ax, points.T, hull, colors=linecolor, linewidths=linewidth, alpha=1 if tri is None else .5)
ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=True)
raise Exception('invalid spatial dimension: {}'.format(points.shape[1]))
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103 changes: 53 additions & 50 deletions nutils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -595,33 +595,33 @@ class Namespace:

def __init__(self) -> None:
self.opposite = function.opposite
self.sin = function.sin
self.cos = function.cos
self.tan = function.tan
self.sinh = function.sinh
self.cosh = function.cosh
self.tanh = function.tanh
self.arcsin = function.arcsin
self.arccos = function.arccos
self.arctan = function.arctan
self.arctanh = function.arctanh
self.exp = function.exp
self.abs = function.abs
self.ln = function.ln
self.log = function.ln
self.log2 = function.log2
self.log10 = function.log10
self.sqrt = function.sqrt
self.sign = function.sign
self.conj = function.conj
self.real = function.real
self.imag = function.imag
self.sin = numpy.sin
self.cos = numpy.cos
self.tan = numpy.tan
self.sinh = numpy.sinh
self.cosh = numpy.cosh
self.tanh = numpy.tanh
self.arcsin = numpy.arcsin
self.arccos = numpy.arccos
self.arctan = numpy.arctan
self.arctanh = numpy.arctanh
self.exp = numpy.exp
self.abs = numpy.abs
self.ln = numpy.log
self.log = numpy.log
self.log2 = numpy.log2
self.log10 = numpy.log10
self.sqrt = numpy.sqrt
self.sign = numpy.sign
self.conj = numpy.conj
self.real = numpy.real
self.imag = numpy.imag

def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Union[function.Array, str]) -> None:
name, underscore, indices = attr.partition('_')
if isinstance(value, (int, float, complex, numpy.ndarray)):
value = function.Array.cast(value)
if isinstance(value, function.Array):
if hasattr(value, '__array_ufunc__') and hasattr(value, '__array_function__'):
if underscore:
raise AttributeError('Cannot assign an array to an attribute with an underscore.')
super().__setattr__(name, value)
Expand All @@ -632,15 +632,15 @@ def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Union[function.Array, str]) -> None:
raise AttributeError('All indices must be unique.')
ops = _FunctionArrayOps(self)
array, shape, expression_indices, summed = _Parser(ops).parse_expression(_Substring(value))
assert array.shape == shape
assert numpy.shape(array) == shape
if expression_indices != indices:
for index in sorted(set(indices) - set(expression_indices)):
raise AttributeError('Index {} of the namespace attribute is missing in the expression.'.format(index))
for index in sorted(set(expression_indices) - set(indices)):
raise AttributeError('Index {} of the expression is missing in the namespace attribute.'.format(index))
array = ops.align(array, expression_indices, indices)
super().__setattr__(name, array)
elif isinstance(value, Callable):
elif callable(value):
if underscore:
raise AttributeError('Cannot assign a function to an attribute with an underscore.')
super().__setattr__(name, value)
Expand All @@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ def __rmatmul__(self, expression):
parser = _Parser(ops)
if isinstance(expression, str):
array, shape, indices, summed = parser.parse_expression(_Substring(expression))
assert array.shape == shape
assert numpy.shape(array) == shape
array = ops.align(array, indices, ''.join(sorted(indices)))
return array
elif isinstance(expression, tuple):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -702,17 +702,17 @@ def define_for(self, __name: str, *, gradient: Optional[str] = None, curl: Optio
if gradient:
setattr(self, gradient, lambda arg: function.grad(arg, geom))
if curl:
if geom.shape != (3,):
raise ValueError('The curl can only be defined for a geometry with shape (3,) but got {}.'.format(geom.shape))
if numpy.shape(geom) != (3,):
raise ValueError('The curl can only be defined for a geometry with shape (3,) but got {}.'.format(numpy.shape(geom)))
# Definition: `curl_ki(u_...)` := `ε_kji ∇_j(u_...)`. Should be used as
# `curl_ki(u_i)`, which is equivalent to `ε_kji ∇_j(u_i)`.
setattr(self, curl, lambda arg: (function.levicivita(3) * function.grad(arg, geom)[...,numpy.newaxis,:,numpy.newaxis]).sum(-2))
if normal:
setattr(self, normal, function.normal(geom))
for i, jacobian in enumerate(jacobians):
if i > geom.size:
if i > numpy.size(geom):
raise ValueError('Cannot define the jacobian {!r}: dimension is negative.'.format(jacobian))
setattr(self, jacobian, function.jacobian(geom, geom.size - i))
setattr(self, jacobian, function.jacobian(geom, numpy.size(geom) - i))

def copy_(self, **replacements: Mapping[str, function.Array]) -> 'Namespace':
'''Return a copy of this namespace.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -755,36 +755,35 @@ def get_variable(self, name: str, ndim: int) -> Optional[Union[Tuple[function.Ar
array = getattr(self.namespace, name)
except AttributeError:
return None
if not isinstance(array, function.Array):
if callable(array):
return None
if array.ndim == ndim:
return array, array.shape
elif numpy.ndim(array) == ndim:
return array, numpy.shape(array)
return _InvalidDimension(array.ndim)
return _InvalidDimension(numpy.ndim(array))

def call(self, name: str, ngenerates: int, arg: function.Array) -> Optional[Union[Tuple[function.Array, _Shape],_InvalidDimension]]:
func = getattr(self.namespace, name)
except AttributeError:
return None
array = func(arg)
assert isinstance(array, function.Array)
assert array.shape[:arg.ndim] == arg.shape
if array.ndim == arg.ndim + ngenerates:
return array, array.shape[arg.ndim:]
assert numpy.shape(array)[:numpy.ndim(arg)] == numpy.shape(arg)
if numpy.ndim(array) == numpy.ndim(arg) + ngenerates:
return array, numpy.shape(array)[numpy.ndim(arg):]
return _InvalidDimension(array.ndim - arg.ndim)
return _InvalidDimension(numpy.ndim(array) - numpy.ndim(arg))

def get_element(self, array: function.Array, axis: int, index: int) -> function.Array:
assert 0 <= axis < array.ndim and 0 <= index < array.shape[axis]
return function.get(array, axis, index)
assert 0 <= axis < numpy.ndim(array) and 0 <= index < numpy.shape(array)[axis]
return numpy.take(array, index, axis)

def transpose(self, array: function.Array, axes: Tuple[int, ...]) -> function.Array:
assert array.ndim == len(axes)
return function.transpose(array, axes)
assert numpy.ndim(array) == len(axes)
return numpy.transpose(array, axes)

def trace(self, array: function.Array, axis1: int, axis2: int) -> function.Array:
return function.trace(array, axis1, axis2)
return numpy.trace(array, axis1, axis2)

def scope(self, array: function.Array) -> function.Array:
return array
Expand All @@ -796,20 +795,24 @@ def jump(self, array: function.Array) -> function.Array:
return function.jump(array)

def add(self, *args: Tuple[bool, function.Array]) -> function.Array:
assert all(arg.shape == args[0][1].shape for neg, arg in args[1:])
assert all(numpy.shape(arg) == numpy.shape(args[0][1]) for neg, arg in args[1:])
negated = (-arg if neg else arg for neg, arg in args)
return functools.reduce(function.add, negated)
return functools.reduce(numpy.add, negated)

def append_axes(self, array, shape):
shuffle = numpy.concatenate([len(shape) + numpy.arange(numpy.ndim(array)), numpy.arange(len(shape))])
return numpy.transpose(numpy.broadcast_to(array, shape + numpy.shape(array)), shuffle)

def multiply(self, *args: function.Array) -> function.Array:
result = args[0]
for arg in args[1:]:
result = function.multiply(function._append_axes(result, arg.shape), function._prepend_axes(arg, result.shape))
result = numpy.multiply(self.append_axes(result, numpy.shape(arg)), arg)
return result

def divide(self, numerator: function.Array, denominator: function.Array) -> function.Array:
assert denominator.ndim == 0
return function.divide(numerator, function._append_axes(denominator, numerator.shape))
assert numpy.ndim(denominator) == 0
return numpy.true_divide(numerator, denominator)

def power(self, base: function.Array, exponent: function.Array) -> function.Array:
assert exponent.ndim == 0
return function.power(base, function._append_axes(exponent, base.shape))
assert numpy.ndim(exponent) == 0
return numpy.power(base, exponent)

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