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WIP: partition
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joostvanzwieten committed Jul 8, 2020
1 parent 87524d2 commit e1e208d
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Showing 3 changed files with 311 additions and 12 deletions.
292 changes: 288 additions & 4 deletions nutils/
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Expand Up @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ def refine(self, n):
n = n[0]
return self if n <= 0 else self.refined.refine(n-1)

def trim(self, levelset, maxrefine, ndivisions=8, name='trimmed', leveltopo=None, *, arguments=None):
def _trim(self, levelset, maxrefine, ndivisions=8, leveltopo=None, *, arguments=None):
'trim element along levelset'

if arguments is None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,7 +403,19 @@ def trim(self, levelset, maxrefine, ndivisions=8, name='trimmed', leveltopo=None
mask[indices] = False
refs.append(ref.trim(levels, maxrefine=maxrefine, ndivisions=ndivisions))
log.debug('cache', fcache.stats)
return SubsetTopology(self, refs, newboundary=name)
return refs

def trim(self, levelset, maxrefine, ndivisions=8, name='trimmed', leveltopo=None, *, arguments=None):
refs = self._trim(levelset, maxrefine, ndivisions, leveltopo, arguments=arguments)
return SubsetTopology(self, refs, newboundary=name)

def partition(self, levelset:function.asarray, maxrefine:types.strictint, posname:types.strictstr, negname:types.strictstr, *, ndivisions=8, arguments=None):
partsroot = function.Root('parts', 0)
pos = self._trim(levelset, maxrefine=maxrefine, ndivisions=ndivisions, arguments=arguments)
refs = tuple((pref, bref-pref) for bref, pref in zip(self.references, pos))
return PartitionedTopology(self, partsroot, refs, (posname, negname))

def subset(self, topo, newboundary=None, strict=False):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -770,7 +782,9 @@ def interfaces(self):
if isinstance(topo, Topology):
# last minute orientation fix
s = []
for transs in zip(topo.transforms, topo.opposites):
for ref, *transs in zip(topo.references, topo.transforms, topo.opposites):
if not ref:
for trans in transs:
ielem = baseitopo.transforms.index(trans)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1819,7 +1833,7 @@ def basis(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
if name == 'discont':
return super().basis(name, *args, **kwargs)
return function.DisjointUnionBasis(topo.basis(name, *args, **kwargs) for topo in self._topos)
return function.DisjointUnionBasis(tuple(topo.basis(name, *args, **kwargs) for topo in self._topos), function.SelectChain(self.roots))

class SubsetTopology(Topology):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2006,6 +2020,26 @@ def getitem(self, item):
def boundary(self):
return self.basetopo.boundary.refined

def interfaces(self):
references = []
transforms = []
opposites = []
for ref, trans in zip(self.basetopo.references, self.basetopo.transforms):
for ichild, (childconn, (ctrans, cref)) in enumerate(zip(ref.connectivity, ref.children)):
for iedge, (ioppchild, (etrans, eref)) in enumerate(zip(childconn, cref.edges)):
if ioppchild >= 0:
ioppedge = ref.connectivity[ioppchild].index(ichild)
oppctrans, oppcref = ref.children[ioppchild]
oppetrans = oppcref.edge_transforms[ioppedge]
newifaces = Topology(elementseq.asreferences(references, self.ndims-1),
transformseq.PlainTransforms(transforms, self.ndims-1),
transformseq.PlainTransforms(opposites, self.ndims-1))
return DisjointUnionTopology([self.basetopo.interfaces.refined, newifaces])

def connectivity(self):
offsets = numpy.cumsum([0] + [ref.nchildren for ref in self.basetopo.references])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2496,6 +2530,256 @@ def interfaces(self):
def getitem(self, item):
return WithIdentifierTopology(self._parent.getitem(item), self._root, self._identifier)

class PartitionedTopology(DisjointUnionTopology):

__slots__ = 'basetopo', 'refs', 'names', 'nparts', 'partsroot', '_parts', '_partstransforms', '_nrefined'
__cache__ = 'boundary', 'interfaces', 'refined'

def __init__(self, basetopo:stricttopology, partsroot:function.strictroot, refs:types.tuple[types.tuple[element.strictreference]], names:types.tuple[types.strictstr], *, _nrefined=0):
if len(refs) != len(basetopo):
raise ValueError('Expected {} refs tuples but got {}.'.format(len(basetopo), len(refs)))
self.nparts = len(refs[0]) if refs else len(names)
if not all(len(r) == self.nparts for r in refs):
raise ValueError('Variable number of parts.')
if len(names) != self.nparts:
raise ValueError('Expected {} names, one for every part, but got {}.'.format(self.nparts, len(names)))
if any(':' in name for name in names):
raise ValueError('Names may not contain colons.')
if self.nparts == 0:
raise ValueError('A partition consists of at least one part, but got zero.')
assert all(functools.reduce(operator.or_, prefs) == bref for bref, prefs in zip(basetopo.references, refs)), 'not a partition: union of parts is smaller than base'

self.basetopo = basetopo
self.refs = refs
self.names = names
self.partsroot = partsroot
self._nrefined = _nrefined

self._partstransforms = transformseq.IdentifierTransforms(0,, self.nparts)
for i in range(_nrefined):
self._partstransforms = self._partstransforms.refined(elementseq.asreferences([element.PointReference()], 0))
indices = tuple(types.frozenarray(numpy.where(list(map(bool, prefs)))[0]) for prefs in zip(*refs))
self._parts = tuple(WithIdentifierTopology(SubsetTopology(basetopo, prefs), partsroot, self._partstransforms[i:i+1]) for i, prefs in enumerate(zip(*refs)))
super().__init__(self._parts, names)

def getitem(self, item):
if item in self.names:
return _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(self, {item})
topo = self.basetopo.getitem(item)
if not topo:
return topo * EmptyTopology((self.partsroot,), 0)
refs = tuple(tuple(ref & bref for ref in self.refs[self.basetopo.transforms.index(trans)]) for bref, trans in zip(topo.references, topo.transforms))
return PartitionedTopology(topo, self.partsroot, refs, self.names)

def boundary(self):
baseboundary = self.basetopo.boundary
brefs = []
for bref, btrans in zip(baseboundary.references, baseboundary.transforms):
ielem, etrans = self.basetopo.transforms.index_with_tail(btrans)
todims = tuple(t[-1].fromdims for t in self.basetopo.transforms[ielem])
brefs.append(tuple(pref.edge_refs[transform.index_edge_transforms(pref.edge_transforms, etrans, todims)] for pref in self.refs[ielem]))
return PartitionedTopology(baseboundary, self.partsroot, brefs, self.names, _nrefined=self._nrefined)

def interfaces(self):
baseifaces = self.basetopo.interfaces
basereferences = {(a, b): [] for a in self.names for b in self.names}
baseindices = {(a, b): [] for a in self.names for b in self.names}
for ieelem, (eref, etrans, oppetrans) in enumerate(zip(baseifaces.references, baseifaces.transforms, baseifaces.opposites)):
ielem, tail = self.basetopo.transforms.index_with_tail(etrans)
ioppelem, opptail = self.basetopo.transforms.index_with_tail(oppetrans)
todims = tuple(t[-1].fromdims for t in self.basetopo.transforms[ielem])
erefs = tuple(filter(lambda item: item[1], ((i, ref.edge_refs[transform.index_edge_transforms(ref.edge_transforms, tail, todims)]) for i, ref in zip(self.names, self.refs[ielem]))))
opperefs = tuple(filter(lambda item: item[1], ((i, ref.edge_refs[transform.index_edge_transforms(ref.edge_transforms, opptail, todims)]) for i, ref in zip(self.names, self.refs[ioppelem]))))
checkeref = eref.empty
for aname, aeref in erefs:
for bname, beref in opperefs:
parteref = aeref & beref
if parteref:
basereferences[aname, bname].append(parteref)
baseindices[aname, bname].append(ieelem)
checkeref |= parteref
assert checkeref == eref
baseindices = {p: types.frozenarray(i, dtype=int) for p, i in baseindices.items()}

newedges = {}
def addnewedge(ielem, etrans):
edges = newedges.setdefault(ielem, [])
assert etrans not in edges
iedge = len(edges)
return ielem, iedge
newreferences = {(a, b): [] for i, a in enumerate(self.names) for b in self.names[i+1:]}
newtransforms = {(a, b): [] for i, a in enumerate(self.names) for b in self.names[i+1:]}
newopposites = {(a, b): [] for i, a in enumerate(self.names) for b in self.names[i+1:]}
for ibase, (baseref, partrefs, basetrans) in enumerate(zip(self.basetopo.references, self.refs, self.basetopo.transforms)):
todims = tuple(t[-1].fromdims for t in basetrans)
pool = {}
for aname, aref in zip(self.names, partrefs):
if not aref:
for aetrans, aeref in aref.edges[baseref.nedges:]:
if not aeref:
points = types.frozenarray(aetrans.apply(aeref.getpoints('bezier', 2).coords), copy=False)
bname, beref, betrans = pool.pop(points, (None, None, None))
if beref is None:
pool[points] = aname, aeref, aetrans
assert aname != bname, 'elements are not supposed to count internal interfaces as edges'
# assert aeref == beref # disabled: aeref.trans is beref.trans.flipped if aeref is a ManifoldReference
if self.names.index(aname) <= self.names.index(bname):
iface = aname, bname
iface = bname, aname
aetrans, betrans, aeref, beref = betrans, aetrans, beref, aeref
newtransforms[iface].append(addnewedge(ibase, aetrans.separate(todims)))
newopposites[iface].append(addnewedge(ibase, betrans.separate(todims)))

assert not pool, 'some interal edges have no opposites'

if newedges:
newielems, newedges = zip(*sorted(newedges.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]))
newoffsets = dict(zip(newielems, numpy.cumsum([0, *map(len, newedges)])))
newedges = transformseq.TrimmedEdgesTransforms(self.basetopo.transforms[numpy.asarray(newielems)], newedges)
itopos = []
inames = []
T = lambda i, j: transformseq.PlainTransforms(((*self._partstransforms[i][0], self._partstransforms[j][0][0]),), 0, 0)
for i, a in enumerate(self.names):
elementseq.asreferences(basereferences[a, a], self.ndims-1),
baseifaces.transforms[baseindices[a, a]]*T(i, i),
baseifaces.opposites[baseindices[a, a]]*T(i, i)))
for j, b in enumerate(self.names[i+1:], i+1):
base = Topology(self.roots,
elementseq.asreferences(basereferences[a, b] + basereferences[b, a], self.ndims-1),
transformseq.chain((baseifaces.transforms[baseindices[a, b]], baseifaces.opposites[baseindices[b, a]]), self.basetopo.transforms.todims)*T(i, j),
transformseq.chain((baseifaces.opposites[baseindices[a, b]], baseifaces.transforms[baseindices[b, a]]), self.basetopo.transforms.todims)*T(j, i))
if newreferences[a, b]:
newreferencesab = elementseq.asreferences(newreferences[a, b], self.ndims-1)
newtransformsab = newedges[numpy.fromiter((newoffsets[ielem]+iedge for ielem, iedge in newtransforms[a, b]), dtype=int)]
newoppositesab = newedges[numpy.fromiter((newoffsets[ielem]+iedge for ielem, iedge in newopposites[a, b]), dtype=int)]
new = Topology(self.roots, newreferencesab, newtransformsab*T(i, j), newoppositesab*T(j, i))
itopos.append(DisjointUnionTopology((base, new)))
inames.append('{}:{}'.format(a, b))
return DisjointUnionTopology(itopos, inames)

def __sub__(self, other):
if self == other:
return self.empty
elif isinstance(other, _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology) and other._partition == self:
remainder = frozenset(self.names) - frozenset(other._names)
if remainder:
return _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(self, remainder)
return self.empty
return super().__sub__(other)

def refined(self):
refbasetopo = self.basetopo.refined
refbindex = refbasetopo.transforms.index
refinedrefs = [crefs for refs in self.refs for crefs in zip(*(ref.child_refs for ref in refs))]
indices = numpy.argsort([refbindex(ctrans)
for trans, ref in zip(self.basetopo.transforms, self.references)
for ctrans in transform.child_transforms(trans, ref)])
refinedrefs = tuple(map(refinedrefs.__getitem__, indices))
return PartitionedTopology(refbasetopo, self.partsroot, refinedrefs, self.names, _nrefined=self._nrefined+1)

class _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(DisjointUnionTopology):

__slots__ = '_partition', '_names'
__cache__ = 'boundary', 'interfaces'

def __init__(self, partition: stricttopology, names: frozenset):
self._partition = partition
if not names <= frozenset(partition.names):
raise ValueError('Not a subset of the partition.')
if not all(isinstance(name, str) for name in names):
raise ValueError('All names should be str objects.')
self._names = tuple(sorted(names, key=partition.names.index))
super().__init__(tuple(self._partition._parts[self._partition.names.index(name)] for name in self._names), self._names)

def __getitem__(self, item):
if item in self._names:
return _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(self._partition, {item})
elif item in self._partition.names:
return self.empty
topo = self._partition.getitem(item)
assert not isinstance(topo, _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology) # this is covered by the above two conditionals
if not topo:
return topo
elif isinstance(topo, PartitionedTopology):
return _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(topo, self._names)
raise NotImplementedError

def boundary(self):
# The boundary of this subset consists of the boundary of the base that
# touches this subset and the interfaces between all parts in this subset
# and all parts not in this subset. All interfaces are grouped and named by
# the parts not in this subset: given a partition A, B of Ω, then
# `Ω['A'].boundary['B']` is the same as `Ω.interfaces['A:B']` or
# `~Ω.interfaces['B:A']`, whichever exists.
topos = []
names = []
for b in self._partition.names: # parts not in this subset
if b in self._names:
btopos = []
for a in self._names: # parts in this subset
if self._partition.names.index(a) <= self._partition.names.index(b):
btopos.append(self._partition.interfaces.getitem('{}:{}'.format(a, b)))
btopos.append(~self._partition.interfaces.getitem('{}:{}'.format(b, a)))
for name in self._names:
groups = {}
return DisjointUnionTopology(topos, names)

def interfaces(self):
topos = []
names = []
for i, a in enumerate(self._names):
for b in self._names[i:]:
topos.append(self._partition.interfaces.getitem('{}:{}'.format(a, b)))
names.append('{}:{}'.format(a, b))
return DisjointUnionTopology(topos, names)

def __or__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology) and other._partition == self._partition:
return _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(self._partition, frozenset(self._names) | frozenset(other._names))
return super().__or__(other)

def __rsub__(self, other):
if self._partition == other or self._partition.basetopo == other:
remainder = frozenset(self._partition.names) - frozenset(self._names)
if remainder:
return _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(self._partition, remainder)
return self.empty
return super().__rsub__(other)

def refined(self):
return _SubsetOfPartitionedTopology(self._partition.refined, self._names)

class PatchBoundary(types.Singleton):

__slots__ = 'id', 'dim', 'side', 'reverse', 'transpose'
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions nutils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -635,6 +635,10 @@ def __init__(self, ndims:types.strictint, trans:stricttransformitem):
def flipped(self):
return Manifold(self.fromdims, self.trans.flipped)

def isflipped(self):
return self.trans.isflipped

def swapdown(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (TensorChild, SimplexChild)):
return ScaledUpdim(other, self), Identity(self.fromdims)
Expand Down

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