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fix multipatch interfaces
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This patch fixes the interfaces of complex multipatch configurations such as
the one now added to unittest test_topology.multipatch_misc.test_partial_ring.
The patch essentially entails a large cleanup of code that went defunct after
removal of edge-to-edge transformations. Additionally, the basis_std method now
delegates to TrimmedTopology.basis_spline rather than
TransformChainsTopology.basis_std for correct handling of edge cases.
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gertjanvanzwieten committed May 6, 2024
1 parent 5c24646 commit f90147e
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Showing 3 changed files with 95 additions and 136 deletions.
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions nutils/
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Expand Up @@ -279,13 +279,9 @@ def multipatch(patches, nelems, patchverts=None):

# build patch boundary data

boundarydata = topology.MultipatchTopology.build_boundarydata(patches)

# join patch topologies, geometries

topo = topology.MultipatchTopology(tuple(map(topology.Patch, topos, patches, boundarydata)))
topo = topology.MultipatchTopology(topos, patches)
funcsp = topo.basis('spline', degree=1, patchcontinuous=False)
geom = (funcsp * numpy.concatenate(coords, axis=1)).sum(-1)

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196 changes: 65 additions & 131 deletions nutils/
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Expand Up @@ -3047,98 +3047,45 @@ def basis(self, name, *args, truncation_tolerance=1e-15, **kwargs):
return function.PlainBasis(hbasis_coeffs, hbasis_dofs, ndofs, self.f_index, self.f_coords)

@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class PatchBoundary:

id: Tuple[int, ...]
dim: int
side: int
reverse: Tuple[bool, ...]
transpose: Tuple[int, ...]

def apply_transform(self, array):
return array[tuple(slice(None, None, -1) if i else slice(None) for i in self.reverse)].transpose(self.transpose)

@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class Patch:

topo: Topology
verts: types.arraydata
boundaries: Tuple[PatchBoundary, ...]

class MultipatchTopology(TransformChainsTopology):
'multipatch topology'

def build_boundarydata(connectivity):
'build boundary data based on connectivity'

boundarydata = []
for patch in connectivity:
ndims = len(patch.shape)
patchboundarydata = []
for dim, side in itertools.product(range(ndims), [-1, 0]):
# ignore vertices at opposite face
verts = numpy.array(patch)
opposite = tuple({0: -1, -1: 0}[side] if i == dim else slice(None) for i in range(ndims))
verts[opposite] = verts.max()+1
if len(set(verts.flat)) != 2**(ndims-1)+1:
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot compute canonical boundary if vertices are used more than once.')
# reverse axes such that lowest vertex index is at first position
reverse = tuple(map(bool, numpy.unravel_index(verts.argmin(), verts.shape)))
verts = verts[tuple(slice(None, None, -1) if i else slice(None) for i in reverse)]
# transpose such that second lowest vertex connects to lowest vertex in first dimension, third in second dimension, et cetera
k = [verts[tuple(1 if i == j else 0 for j in range(ndims))] for i in range(ndims)]
transpose = tuple(sorted(range(ndims), key=k.__getitem__))
verts = verts.transpose(transpose)
# boundarid
boundaryid = tuple(verts[..., 0].flat)
patchboundarydata.append(PatchBoundary(boundaryid, dim, side, reverse, transpose))

return boundarydata

def __init__(self, patches: Sequence[Patch]):
assert isinstance(patches, Sequence) and all(isinstance(patch, Patch) for patch in patches), f'patches={patches!r}'
self.patches = tuple(patches)

space = patches[0]
assert all( == space for patch in patches)

for boundaryid, patchdata in self._patchinterfaces.items():
if len(patchdata) == 1:
transposes = set()
reverses = set()
for topo, boundary in patchdata:
assert boundary.transpose[-1] == boundary.dim
transposes.add(tuple(i-1 if i > boundary.dim else i for i in boundary.transpose[:-1]))
if len(transposes) != 1 or len(reverses) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError('patch interfaces must have the same order of axes and the same orientation per axis')
def __init__(self, topos: Sequence[Topology], connectivity):

self._topos = tuple(topos)
self._connectivity = numpy.array(connectivity)

space = self._topos[0].space
assert all( == space for topo in self._topos)

util.sum(patch.topo.references for patch in self.patches),
transformseq.chain([patch.topo.transforms for patch in self.patches], self.patches[0].topo.transforms.todims, self.patches[0].topo.ndims),
transformseq.chain([patch.topo.opposites for patch in self.patches], self.patches[0].topo.transforms.todims, self.patches[0].topo.ndims))
util.sum(topo.references for topo in self._topos),
transformseq.chain([topo.transforms for topo in self._topos], self._topos[0].transforms.todims, self._topos[0].ndims),
transformseq.chain([topo.opposites for topo in self._topos], self._topos[0].transforms.todims, self._topos[0].ndims))

sides = {}
for topo, verts in zip(self._topos, self._connectivity):
for idim, iside, idx in self._iter_boundaries():
bverts = verts[idx]
sides.setdefault(frozenset(bverts.flat), []).append((bverts, (topo, idim, iside)))

self._boundaries = []
self._interfaces = []
for patchdata in sides.values():
(bverts0, *other_bverts), data = zip(*patchdata)
if not other_bverts:
if not all((bverts == bverts0).all() for bverts in other_bverts):
raise NotImplementedError('patch interfaces must have the same order of axes and the same orientation per axis')
self._interfaces.append((bverts0, data))

def _patchinterfaces(self):
patchinterfaces = {}
for patch in self.patches:
for boundary in patch.boundaries:
patchinterfaces.setdefault(, []).append((patch.topo, boundary))
return types.frozendict({
boundaryid: tuple(data)
for boundaryid, data in patchinterfaces.items()
if len(data) > 1
def _iter_boundaries(self):
return ((idim, iside, (slice(None),)*idim + (iside,)) for idim in range(self.ndims) for iside in (-1, 0))

def get_groups(self, *groups: str) -> TransformChainsTopology:
topos = (patch.topo if 'patch{}'.format(i) in groups else patch.topo.get_groups(*groups) for i, patch in enumerate(self.patches))
topos = (topo if 'patch{}'.format(i) in groups else topo.get_groups(*groups) for i, topo in enumerate(self._topos))
topos = tuple(filter(None, topos))
if len(topos) == 0:
return self.empty_like()
Expand All @@ -3147,6 +3094,9 @@ def get_groups(self, *groups: str) -> TransformChainsTopology:
return DisjointUnionTopology(topos)

def basis_std(self, degree, patchcontinuous=True):
return self.basis_spline(degree, patchcontinuous, continuity=0)

def basis_spline(self, degree, patchcontinuous=True, knotvalues=None, knotmultiplicities=None, *, continuity=-1):
'''spline from vertices
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3199,16 +3149,16 @@ def basis_spline(self, degree, patchcontinuous=True, knotvalues=None, knotmultip
dofmap = []
dofcount = 0
commonboundarydofs = {}
for ipatch, patch in enumerate(self.patches):
# build structured spline basis on patch `patch.topo`
for ipatch, (topo, verts) in enumerate(zip(self._topos, self._connectivity)):
# build structured spline basis on patch `topo`
patchknotvalues = []
patchknotmultiplicities = []
for idim in range(self.ndims):
left = tuple(0 if j == idim else slice(None) for j in range(self.ndims))
right = tuple(1 if j == idim else slice(None) for j in range(self.ndims))
dimknotvalues = set()
dimknotmultiplicities = set()
for edge in zip(patch.verts[left].flat, patch.verts[right].flat):
for edge in zip(verts[left].flat, verts[right].flat):
v = knotvalues.get(edge, knotvalues.get(None, missing))
m = knotmultiplicities.get(edge, knotmultiplicities.get(None, missing))
if v is missing:
Expand All @@ -3223,17 +3173,17 @@ def basis_spline(self, degree, patchcontinuous=True, knotvalues=None, knotmultip
raise 'ambiguous knot multiplicities for patch {}, dimension {}'.format(ipatch, idim)
patchcoeffs, patchdofmap, patchdofcount = patch.topo._basis_spline(degree, knotvalues=patchknotvalues, knotmultiplicities=patchknotmultiplicities, continuity=continuity)
patchcoeffs, patchdofmap, patchdofcount = topo._basis_spline(degree, knotvalues=patchknotvalues, knotmultiplicities=patchknotmultiplicities, continuity=continuity)
dofmap.extend(types.frozenarray(dofs+dofcount, copy=False) for dofs in patchdofmap)
if patchcontinuous:
# reconstruct multidimensional dof structure
dofs = dofcount + numpy.arange(, dtype=int).reshape(patchdofcount)
for boundary in patch.boundaries:
for idim, iside, idx in self._iter_boundaries():
# get patch boundary dofs and reorder to canonical form
boundarydofs = boundary.apply_transform(dofs)[..., 0].ravel()
boundarydofs = dofs[idx].ravel()
# append boundary dofs to list (in increasing order, automatic by outer loop and dof increment)
commonboundarydofs.setdefault(, []).append(boundarydofs)
commonboundarydofs.setdefault(tuple(verts[idx].flat), []).append(boundarydofs)
dofcount +=

if patchcontinuous:
Expand All @@ -3248,28 +3198,25 @@ def basis_spline(self, degree, patchcontinuous=True, knotvalues=None, knotmultip
def basis_patch(self):
'degree zero patchwise discontinuous basis'

transforms = transformseq.PlainTransforms(tuple((patch.topo.root,) for patch in self.patches), self.ndims, self.ndims)
transforms = transformseq.PlainTransforms(tuple((topo.root,) for topo in self._topos), self.ndims, self.ndims)
index = function.transforms_index(, transforms)
coords = function.transforms_coords(, transforms)
return function.DiscontBasis([types.frozenarray([[1]], dtype=float)]*len(self.patches), index, coords)
return function.DiscontBasis([types.frozenarray([[1]], dtype=float)]*len(self._topos), index, coords)

def boundary(self):

if not self._boundaries:
return EmptyTopology(, self.transforms.todims, self.ndims-1)

subtopos = []
subnames = []
for i, patch in enumerate(self.patches):
for boundary in patch.boundaries:
if in self._patchinterfaces:
name = patch.topo._bnames[boundary.dim][boundary.side]
subnames.append('patch{}-{}'.format(i, name))
if len(subtopos) == 0:
return EmptyTopology(, self.transforms.todims, self.ndims-1)
return DisjointUnionTopology(subtopos, subnames)
for i, (topo, idim, iside) in enumerate(self._boundaries):
name = topo._bnames[idim][iside]
subnames.append('patch{}-{}'.format(i, name))
return DisjointUnionTopology(subtopos, subnames)

def interfaces(self):
Expand All @@ -3280,48 +3227,35 @@ def interfaces(self):
patch via ``'intrapatch'``.

intrapatchtopo = EmptyTopology(, self.transforms.todims, self.ndims-1) if not self.patches else \
DisjointUnionTopology([patch.topo.interfaces for patch in self.patches])
intrapatchtopo = EmptyTopology(, self.transforms.todims, self.ndims-1) if not self._topos else \
DisjointUnionTopology([topo.interfaces for topo in self._topos])

btopos = []
bconnectivity = []
for boundaryid, patchdata in self._patchinterfaces.items():
for bverts, patchdata in self._interfaces:
if len(patchdata) > 2:
raise ValueError('Cannot create interfaces of multipatch topologies with more than two interface connections.')
pairs = []
references = None
for topo, boundary in patchdata:
btopo = topo.boundary[topo._bnames[boundary.dim][boundary.side]]
if references is None:
references = numeric.asobjvector(btopo.references).reshape(btopo.shape)
references = references[tuple(_ if i == boundary.dim else slice(None) for i in range(self.ndims))]
references = boundary.apply_transform(references)[..., 0]
references = tuple(references.flat)
transforms = numeric.asobjvector(btopo.transforms).reshape(btopo.shape)
transforms = transforms[tuple(_ if i == boundary.dim else slice(None) for i in range(self.ndims))]
transforms = boundary.apply_transform(transforms)[..., 0]
pairs.append(tuple(map(transform.canonical, transforms.flat)))
boundaries = [topo.boundary[topo._bnames[idim][iside]] for topo, idim, iside in patchdata]
transforms, opposites = [btopo.transforms for btopo in boundaries]
references, opposite_references = [btopo.references for btopo in boundaries]
assert references == opposite_references
# create structured topology of joined element pairs
references = References.from_iter(references, self.ndims-1)
transforms, opposites = pairs
transforms = transformseq.PlainTransforms(transforms, self.transforms.todims, self.ndims-1)
opposites = transformseq.PlainTransforms(opposites, self.transforms.todims, self.ndims-1)
btopos.append(TransformChainsTopology(, references, transforms, opposites))
# create multipatch topology of interpatch boundaries
interpatchtopo = MultipatchTopology(tuple(map(Patch, btopos, bconnectivity, self.build_boundarydata(bconnectivity))))
interpatchtopo = MultipatchTopology(btopos, bconnectivity)

return DisjointUnionTopology((intrapatchtopo, interpatchtopo), ('intrapatch', 'interpatch'))

def connectivity(self):
connectivity = []
patchinterfaces = {}
for patch in self.patches: # len(connectivity) represents the element offset for the current patch
ielems = numpy.arange(len(patch.topo)).reshape(patch.topo.shape) + len(connectivity)
for boundary in patch.boundaries:
patchinterfaces.setdefault(, []).append((boundary.apply_transform(ielems)[..., 0], boundary.dim * 2 + (boundary.side == 0)))
connectivity.extend(patch.topo.connectivity + len(connectivity) * numpy.not_equal(patch.topo.connectivity, -1))
for topo, verts in zip(self._topos, self._connectivity): # len(connectivity) represents the element offset for the current patch
ielems = numpy.arange(len(topo)).reshape(topo.shape) + len(connectivity)
for idim, iside, idx in self._iter_boundaries():
patchinterfaces.setdefault(tuple(verts[idx].flat), []).append((ielems[idx], idim * 2 + (iside == 0)))
connectivity.extend(topo.connectivity + len(connectivity) * numpy.not_equal(topo.connectivity, -1))
connectivity = numpy.array(connectivity)
for patchdata in patchinterfaces.values():
if len(patchdata) > 2:
Expand All @@ -3339,6 +3273,6 @@ def connectivity(self):
def refined(self):

return MultipatchTopology(tuple(Patch(patch.topo.refined, patch.verts, patch.boundaries) for patch in self.patches))
return MultipatchTopology([topo.refined for topo in self._topos], self._connectivity)

# vim:sw=4:sts=4:et
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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Expand Up @@ -1176,6 +1176,35 @@ def test_basis_merge_dofs(self):
desired[numpy.arange(16), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, 3, 6, 8, 9]] = 1
numpy.testing.assert_allclose(actual, desired)

def test_ring(self):
patches = (0, 1, 3, 4), (3, 4, 5, 6), (1, 2, 4, 6)
patchverts = (0, 0), (.5, 0), (1, 0), (0, .5), (.5, .5), (0, 1), (1, 1)
# 5-------6
# | 1 / |
# 3---4 |
# | 0 | 2 |
# 0---1---2
domain, geom = mesh.multipatch(patches=patches, patchverts=patchverts, nelems=1)
self.assertEqual(domain.connectivity.tolist(), [[1, -1, 2, -1], [-1, 0, 2, -1], [1, -1, -1, 0]])
self.assertEqual(len(domain.interfaces['interpatch']), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(domain.basis('std', 1)), 7)
self.assertAlmostEqual(domain.integrate(function.J(geom), degree=1), 1)

def test_partial_ring(self):
patches = (10, 12, 6, 8, 11, 1, 7, 9), (10, 12, 6, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3), (13, 15, 10, 12, 14, 5, 11, 1), (13, 15, 10, 12, 4, 5, 0, 1)
# side 1 14--11--7
# 5---1---9 | 2 | 0 |
# | 2 | 0 | 13--10--6
# 15--12--8 | 3 | 1 |
# | 3 | 1 | 4---0---2
# 5---1---3 side 2
domain, geom = mesh.multipatch(patches=patches, nelems=1)
self.assertEqual(len(domain.interfaces['interpatch']), 5) # 5th interface via 4,5,0,1
self.assertEqual(len(domain.boundary), 14)
self.assertEqual(len(domain.basis('std', 1)), 16)
# this test fails if MultipatchTopology.basis_std delegates to
# TransformChainsTopology.basis_std rather than MultipatchTopology.basis_spline.

class multipatch_errors(TestCase):

Expand Down

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