This is a quick-and-dirty port of cruisecontrolrb-campfire_notifier to add slack notifications for (very) old versions of CruiseControl.rb.
This plugin will post notifications to a Slack channel when a build on CC.rb finishes. By default, it will alert the room when a build is: FIXED (was previously failing, now passing), BROKEN (was previously passing, now failing), SUCCESS and FAILED.
Clone this repo into a suitable directory:
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd cruisecontrolrb-slack_notifier
Find your $CRUISE_HOME/builder_plugins
directory (usually
), then symlink to lib/slack_notifier.rb
this plugin:
$ cd ~/.cruise/builder_plugins
$ ln -s ~/cruisecontrolrb-slack_notifier/lib/slack_notifier.rb
You should end up with something like:
# cd ~/.cruise
$ tree -L 2
|-- builder_plugins
| `-- slack_notifier.rb -> /Users/brad/cruisecontrolrb-slack_notifier/lib/slack_notifier.rb
|-- data.version
|-- projects
| `-- myproject
|-- site.css
`-- site_config.rb
Inside each of your project directories (~/.cruise/projects/myproject/
you'll find a cruise_config.rb
file. For each project that you want to
set up to notify Campfire, configure it with the following:
Project.configure do |project|
project.slack_notifier.url = 'myaccount'
project.slack_notifier.token = 'secret' = 'builds'
# Optional:
project.slack_notifier.only_failed_builds = true
project.slack_notifier.only_first_failure = true
project.slack_notifier.only_fixed_and_broken_builds = true
These configuration options should be pretty self-explanatory.
Or not.. here's the chart of when notifications are enabled/disabled:
| | was broke now ok | success | was ok now broke | broken |
| when flag=true | build_fixed | build_finished | build_broken | build_finished |
| (none - default) | no | yes | no | yes |
| only_failed_builds | no | no | no | yes |
| only_first_failure | no | yes | yes | no |
| only_fixed_and_broken_builds | yes | no | yes | no |