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FastID is a scalable identity management SaaS based on OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Effortless authentication solution for your services

Test CodeQL Advanced


  • Security. Built with security in mind. It uses JWT tokens, OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
  • Admin Panel. Comes with an admin interface to manage users and applications.
  • Notifications. Sends welcome messages and verification codes via email and Telegram.
  • Observability. Metrics and tracing complied with OpenTelemetry.
  • Social Login. Supports social login with Google, Telegram, Yandex, and others.
  • Plugins. Offers a plugin system to extend the functionality.


Clone the repository:

  git clone

Generate RSA keys:

  mkdir certs
  openssl genrsa -out certs/jwt-private.pem 2048
  openssl rsa -in certs/jwt-private.pem -pubout -out certs/jwt-public.pem

Create a .env file based on .env.example and run the server:

  make up

FastID is available at http://localhost:8012:

Sign In

Admin panel is available at: http://localhost:8012/admin (default credentials: admin/admin):

Admin Login

To set up observability, you can use this preset.

Enjoy! 🚀

Get Started

Login to admin panel: http://localhost:8012/admin and create new app to obtain client_id and client_secret.

Sign In

Here is an example of client app that uses FastID for authentication:

from typing import Any, Annotated
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import httpx
from fastapi import FastAPI, Response, Request, Depends, HTTPException
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse

from test_client.config import settings

app = FastAPI()

def login(request: Request) -> Any:
    params = {
        "response_type": "code",
        "client_id": settings.client_id,
        "redirect_uri": request.url_for("callback"),
    url = f"{settings.fastid_url}/authorize?{urlencode(params)}"
    return RedirectResponse(url=url)

def callback(code: str) -> Any:
    token_data =
        headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
            "grant_type": "authorization_code",
            "client_id": settings.client_id,
            "client_secret": settings.client_secret,
            "code": code,
    token = token_data.json()
    response = Response(content="You are now logged in!")
    response.set_cookie("access_token", token["access_token"])
    return response

def current_user(request: Request) -> dict[str, Any]:
    token = request.cookies.get("access_token")
    if not token:
        raise HTTPException(401, "No access token")
    response = httpx.get(
        headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"},
    return response.json()

def test(user: Annotated[dict[str, Any], Depends(current_user)]) -> Any:
    return user

Run the server:

  fastapi dev test_client/

Go to http://localhost:8000/login to login in FastID. You will be redirected to FastID to enter your credentials. After successful login you will be redirected back to the client app and receive an access token.

Now you can access the protected route http://localhost:8000/test:

Sign In

See the full example in the test_client directory.

API Reference

API docs are available at http://localhost:8012/api/v1/docs

API Docs

OpenID metadata is available at http://localhost:8012/.well-known/openid-configuration.

  "issuer": "http://localhost:8012",
  "authorization_endpoint": "http://localhost:8012/authorize",
  "token_endpoint": "http://localhost:8012/api/v1/token",
  "userinfo_endpoint": "http://localhost:8012/api/v1/userinfo",
  "jwks_uri": "http://localhost:8012/.well-known/jwks.json",
  "scopes_supported": [
  "response_types_supported": [
  "grant_types_supported": [
  "subject_types_supported": [
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  "claims_supported": [


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FastID is a scalable identity management SaaS based on OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect








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