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Xiaomi dipper PostmarketOS

0. Clone the repositories

cd ~
git clone

1. Install pmbootstrap

cd ~/postmarketos
git clone --depth=1
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
ln -s "$PWD/pmbootstrap/" ~/.local/bin/pmbootstrap

2. pmbootstrap init

pmbootstrap init

3. Update config

rm -rf ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports/device/testing/linux-xiaomi-dipper
rm -rf ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports/device/testing/device-xiaomi-dipper
cp -r ~/postmarketos/linux-xiaomi-dipper ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports/device/testing/
cp -r ~/postmarketos/device-xiaomi-dipper ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports/device/testing/
cp -r ~/postmarketos/firmware-xiaomi-dipper ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports/device/testing/

4. Build linux

You should fix the warnings generated by kconfig yourself.

cd ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports/device/testing/linux-xiaomi-dipper
pmbootstrap checksum linux-xiaomi-dipper
pmbootstrap kconfig edit


!!! A very important step, you need to copy this file and grant execution permission when the ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/chroot_native/home/pmos/build/src/linux-749b0d4ab2a325e11a8aba7105a0f678a8ecf404/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/sdm845-xiaomi-dipper.dtb file exists.

pmbootstrap -j8 build linux-xiaomi-dipper

Open a new terminal and execute pmbootstrap log to view the log.

5. Build device

cd ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports/device/testing/device-xiaomi-dipper
pmbootstrap checksum firmware-xiaomi-dipper
pmbootstrap checksum device-xiaomi-dipper
pmbootstrap build device-xiaomi-dipper

6. Install

Now you need to copy or move the sdm845-xiaomi-dipper.dtb file you saved to the ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/chroot_rootfs_xiaomi-dipper/boot/dtbs/qcom directory. If the directory does not exist, you can execute pmbootstrap install first.

To install to the system partition of an image file:

pmbootstrap install

Fix error

pmbootstrap chroot apk fix --rootfs

Or create an Android recovery zip package:

pmbootstrap install --android-recovery-zip --recovery-install-partition=data
pmbootstrap flasher --method=adb sideload


pmbootstrap export
cd $(dirname $(readlink /tmp/postmarketOS-export/pmos-*.zip))
adb sideload

7. Flash

pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs --partition userdata

If you have a device that works with fastboot, you can boot the kernel now without flashing it:

pmbootstrap flasher boot

Otherwise, you will need to flash the kernel to the device boot partition:

pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel

8. Now use the USB network for ssh connection

# Get the network interface name, usually the last one.
ip a
# Activate the network interface.
sudo ip address add dev enp0s20f0u1
# Now start the ssh connection.
ssh [email protected]

9. Now complete your system


sudo apk update
sudo apk upgrade

Connect wifi

sudo nmcli dev wifi connect "Wifi-ssid" password "Wifi-password" ifname wlan0
sudo nmcli device set wlan0 autoconnect yes

Install the ssh server

sudo apk add openssh
sudo rc-service sshd start
sudo rc-update add sshd

Fix time zone

sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime


sudo setup-timezone
# type: Asia/Shanghai

Install the docker

sudo apk add docker docker-compose
sudo addgroup $USER docker
sudo rc-update add docker boot
sudo service docker start

10. Common commands

# reboot
sudo reboot

# poweroff
sudo poweroff

# install app
sudo apk add app-name

# uninstall app
sudo apk del app-name

# start service
sudo rc-service docker stop

# stop service
sudo rc-service docker start

# Let the service start with the system
sudo rc-update add docker

# Execute command at startup
sudo echo "touch boot /home/ivon/boot" >> /etc/local.d/boot.start
sudo rc-update add local


Xiaomi dipper postmarketos.






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