Craigslist shut down their RSS feed in October 2020, which prevents this application from working. It appears that they have also blocked scraping from EC2 machines, so this project is deprecated (until downloader.ex is rewritten)
Once upon a time, I needed to furnish a rental property. I wanted great deals on nice furniture, but did not wish to spend time browsing Craigslist.
So I created a service to text me whenever a CL post matched my interests.
Now, I still use this application to get notified of deals on electronics, gadgets and misc free stuff. I am able to act quickly, while not wasting too much of my time. I hope that you can make use of this as well.
There are three dependencies required for execution:
- Elixir environment. It's hailed as "the next Ruby" but I view it more as "the next Python"
- Redis for in-memory database
- Twilio account for sending SMS. The trial account that I created lasted me 11 months
Here's a quick overview of the main modules:
- parser.ex takes the watchlist file (discussed next) and turns it into a more computer-friendly format
- downloader.ex and extractor.ex fetch and transform the relevant Craigslist posts
- storer.ex keeps a record of previously-seen items, which prevents duplicate notifications, and mass spamming when new entries are added to the watchlist
- notifier.ex generates and sends the text
- periodically.ex is the heartbeat of the application
- Configuration is done with a JSON file
Required fields: keywords, city Optional fields: category, min_price, max_price, postal, search_distance, titleOnly, hasPic
An example of a configuration file:
{"keywords": ["iPhone", "8 plus", "64GB", "unlocked"], "city": "portland", "min_price": 300, "max_price": 380},
{"keywords": ["iPhone", "8 plus", "64GB", "T-Mobile"], "city": "portland", "min_price": 300, "max_price": 380},
{"keywords": ["lexus", "rx", "350", "2016"], "category": "cta", "city": "portland", "min_price": 30000, "max_price": 39000, "titleOnly": true, "postal": 97204, "search_distance": 90},
{"city": "portland", "category": "fua", "keywords": ["king", "downsizing"]}
You can determine CL categories via URLs in craigslist search, or from this gist Otherwise, "sss" is the default category for craigslist search
- Before running, create a
file with the following lines:
export TWILIO_SID=[twilio sid]
export TWILIO_AUTH=[twilio auth]
export TWILIO_SENDER=[twilio sender phone #]
export TWILIO_RECIP=[twilio recipient phone #]
export CL_FILE=[name of your config file]
Then run:
source .env
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
mix deps.get
elixir --detached -S mix run --no-halt
send confirmation text when new items are added to the config config (optional, per-listing): email, text or both allow multiple categories send email (via mailgun) code to easily query Redis for most-recent data Redis => ETS? scale?