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reimplement batching in a way to preserve offset ordering
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Denys Fakhritdinov committed Nov 4, 2024
1 parent 24773ed commit d81d370
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 95 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -34,103 +34,102 @@ private[journal] sealed abstract class Batch extends Product {
private[journal] object Batch {

def of(records: NonEmptyList[ActionRecord[Action]]): List[Batch] = {
.foldLeft { State.empty } { State.fold }

/** Builds minimal set of actions, which will execute fewer calls to Cassandra while producing the same result */
private object State {
def apply(records: NonEmptyList[ActionRecord[Action]]): State = {
records.reverse.foldLeft(State()) { _.handle(_) }
private case class State(batches: List[Batch]) {

def next: Option[Batch] = batches.headOption

def delete: Option[Delete] = batches.collectFirst { case d: Delete => d }

def prepend(batch: Batch): State = new State(batch :: batches)

def replace(batch: Batch): State = new State(batch :: batches.tail)


private final case class State(
private val purge: Option[Purge] = None,
private val appends: Option[Appends] = None,
private val delete: Option[Delete] = None,
) {
// Expects records to be provided in reversed order, e.g., youngest first
private def handle: ActionRecord[Action] => State = {
case _ if this.purge.nonEmpty => // ignore all actions before `Purge`
private object State {

val empty: State = State(List.empty)

def fold(state: State, event: ActionRecord[Action]): State = event match {

case ActionRecord(_: Action.Mark, _) =>
case ActionRecord(_: Action.Mark, _) => state

case ActionRecord(purge: Action.Purge, partitionOffset: PartitionOffset) =>
handlePurge(purge, partitionOffset)
def purgeBatch = Purge(partitionOffset.offset, purge.origin, purge.version) match {
case Some(_: Purge) => state
case Some(_) => state.prepend(purgeBatch)
case None => state.prepend(purgeBatch)

case ActionRecord(delete: Action.Delete, partitionOffset: PartitionOffset) =>
handleDelete(delete, partitionOffset)
def deleteBatch(delete: Action.Delete) =
Delete(partitionOffset.offset,, delete.origin, delete.version) match {

case Some(_: Purge) => state
case None => state.prepend(deleteBatch(delete))

case Some(_: Appends) =>
// if `delete` included in `state.delete` then ignore it
val delete1 = state.delete match {
case None => delete.some
case Some(delete1) => if ( < delete.some else None
delete1 match {
case Some(delete) => state.prepend(deleteBatch(delete))
case None => state

case Some(next: Delete) =>
if ( < state
// if `delete` includes `next` then replace `next` with `delete`
else state.replace(deleteBatch(delete))

case ActionRecord(append: Action.Append, partitionOffset: PartitionOffset) =>
handleAppend(append, partitionOffset)
} match {

private def handlePurge(purge: Action.Purge, partitionOffset: PartitionOffset): State = {
purge = Purge(partitionOffset.offset, purge.origin, purge.version).some,
case Some(_: Purge) => state

private def handleDelete(delete: Action.Delete, partitionOffset: PartitionOffset): State = {
val delete_ = this.delete match {
case Some(younger) =>
// take `origin` and `version` from "older" entity, if it has them
val origin = delete.origin.orElse(younger.origin)
val version = delete.version.orElse(younger.version)
// make `Delete` action with largest `seqNr` and largest `offset`
if ( < Delete(partitionOffset.offset,, origin, version)
else younger.copy(origin = origin, version = version)

case None =>
Delete(partitionOffset.offset,, delete.origin, delete.version)
delete = delete_.some,
case Some(next: Appends) =>
val append1 =
// if `append` deleted by `state.delete` then ignore it
state.delete match {
case Some(delete) => if ( < append.some else None
case None => append.some

private def handleAppend(append: Action.Append, partitionOffset: PartitionOffset): State = {
// ignore `Action.Append`, if it would get deleted
if (this.delete.forall( <= {
val appends = this.appends match {
case Some(appends) =>
appends.copy(records = ActionRecord(append, partitionOffset) :: appends.records)
case None =>
Appends(partitionOffset.offset, NonEmptyList.of(ActionRecord(append, partitionOffset)))
appends = appends.some,
} else {
append1 match {
case Some(append) =>
val record = ActionRecord(append, partitionOffset)
val appends = Appends(next.offset, record :: next.records)
// replace head (aka []) with new Appends, i.e. merge `append` with `next`

def batches: List[Batch] = {
// we can drop first `append`, if `deleteTo` will discard it AND there is at least one more `append`
// we have to preserve one `append` to store latest `seqNr` and populate `expireAfter`
val appends = {
this.appends.flatMap { appends =>
val deleteTo =
val records = appends.records
val actions =
if (deleteTo.contains( NonEmptyList.fromList(records.tail).getOrElse(records)
else records
appends.copy(records = actions).some
case None => state

// if `delete` was not last action, adjust `delete`'s batch offset to update `metajournal` correctly
val delete = appends match {
case Some(appends) => => delete.copy(offset = delete.offset max appends.offset))
case None => this.delete
case Some(next: Delete) =>
val record = ActionRecord(append, partitionOffset)
val appends = Appends(partitionOffset.offset,

// apply action batches in order: `Purge`, `Append`s and `Delete`
List(purge, appends, delete).flatten
case None =>
val record = ActionRecord(append, partitionOffset)
val appends = Appends(partitionOffset.offset,


final case class Appends(
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
(Nel.of(delete(offset = 1, to = 1), mark(offset = 2)), List(deletes(offset = 1, to = 1))),
Nel.of(delete(offset = 1, to = 1), append(offset = 2, seqNr = 2)),
List(appends(2, append(offset = 2, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 2, to = 1)),
List(deletes(offset = 1, to = 1), appends(2, append(offset = 2, seqNr = 2))),
Nel.of(append(offset = 1, seqNr = 2), delete(offset = 2, to = 1)),
Expand All @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
Nel.of(append(offset = 1, seqNr = 1), delete(offset = 2, to = 1), append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2)),
List(appends(3, append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 3, to = 1)),
List(appends(1, append(offset = 1, seqNr = 1)), deletes(offset = 2, to = 1), appends(3, append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2))),
Expand All @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2),
delete(offset = 4, to = 2, origin = "origin2"),
List(appends(3, append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 2, origin = "origin1")),
List(appends(3, append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 2, origin = "origin2")),
Expand All @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2),
delete(offset = 4, to = 2),
List(appends(3, append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 2, origin = "origin")),
List(appends(3, append(offset = 3, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 2)),
Expand All @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
delete(offset = 3, to = 1, origin = "origin1"),
delete(offset = 4, to = 2, origin = "origin2"),
List(appends(2, append(offset = 2, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 2, origin = "origin1")),
List(appends(2, append(offset = 2, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 2, origin = "origin2")),
Expand All @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
delete(offset = 5, to = 2),
mark(offset = 6),
List(deletes(offset = 5, to = 2, origin = "origin")),
List(deletes(offset = 5, to = 2)),
Expand All @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
delete(offset = 3, to = 2),
append(offset = 4, seqNr = 3),
List(appends(4, append(offset = 4, seqNr = 3)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 2)),
List(appends(2, append(offset = 2, seqNr = 2)), deletes(offset = 3, to = 2), appends(4, append(offset = 4, seqNr = 3))),
Expand All @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
delete(offset = 4, to = 3),
append(offset = 5, seqNr = 4),
List(appends(5, append(offset = 5, seqNr = 4)), deletes(offset = 5, to = 3)),
List(appends(3, append(offset = 3, seqNr = 3)), deletes(offset = 4, to = 3), appends(5, append(offset = 5, seqNr = 4))),
Expand All @@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
mark(offset = 6),
appends(offset = 1, append(offset = 1, seqNr = 2)),
deletes(offset = 3, to = 1),
offset = 5,
append(offset = 1, seqNr = 2),
append(offset = 4, seqNr = 3),
append(offset = 5, seqNr = 4),
deletes(offset = 5, to = 1),
Expand All @@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
offset = 7,
offset = 5,
append(offset = 2, seqNr = 3),
append(offset = 4, seqNr = 4),
append(offset = 5, seqNr = 5),
append(offset = 7, seqNr = 6),
deletes(offset = 7, to = 2, origin = "origin"),
deletes(offset = 6, to = 2),
appends(offset = 7, append(offset = 7, seqNr = 6)),
Expand All @@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ class BatchSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
offset = 7,
offset = 5,
append(offset = 1, seqNr = 3, seqNrs = 4),
append(offset = 2, seqNr = 5),
append(offset = 4, seqNr = 6),
append(offset = 5, seqNr = 7),
append(offset = 7, seqNr = 8),
deletes(offset = 7, to = 3),
deletes(offset = 6, to = 3),
appends(offset = 7, append(offset = 7, seqNr = 8)),
(Nel.of(purge(offset = 0)), List(purges(offset = 0))),
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