evonove.it website, made with Wagtail!
To run this project you need the Docker engine (>=1.12.1) and the docker-compose command (>=1.8.0) installed.
To install the Docker engine on your platform see:
To install docker-compose command:
To start the Evonove Website project run this command from the root folder:
$ docker-compose up
Migration and a user are needed so run:
$ docker-compose run django python django-website/manage.py migrate
$ docker-compose run django python django-website/manage.py createsuperuser
Running migrations isn't enough because the home page requires some data. If you dislike inserting data using the admin (or in general be a data insert operator), you can launch the following commands that create the blog page linked to the home page and a set of initial data for a fake company.
$ docker-compose run django python django-website/manage.py create_pages
$ docker-compose run django python django-website/manage.py load_test_data
Now visit http://localhost:8000/ to see the application running.
Documentation is served at http://localhost:9000 A frontend to the mailhog smtp service is served at: http://localhost:8025
To run the tests:
$ docker-compose -f containers/test.yml up
The frontend app uses Webpack as toolchain. To install all dependencies run this command from the frontend/
$ yarn
Then compile all necessary files:
$ yarn webpack
When we change pyproject.toml
wew need to regenerate the file ./requirements/requirements.txt
with this command:
$ poetry export -o requirements/requirements.txt --without-hashes