A plugin for COPRL containing styles for the Evvnt branded theme.
Presenters themes are based on top of theming MDC components. It uses a sparse loading of themed styles ontop of the default COPRL theme. This means unless you are changing the theme of a given component you should not copy it to the theme.
In some cases the COPRL presenters defaults may move ahead of the theme, in that case you need to copy the file from the presenters and re-apply the theme changes. This could be the source of subtle differences.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'theme_presenter_plugin', git: 'https://github.com/evvnt/theme_presenter_plugin', require: false
And then execute:
$ bundle
Create the Rails initializer config/initializers/presenters_plugins.rb
Coprl::Presenters::Settings.configure do |config|
Install NVM
To change the theme edit the files in the views/theme
Run the script
Commit and push the changes.