NO. | Sample | Description |
001 | hello-world | first sample: hello,world! |
002 | if-statement | if statement sample |
003 | switch-statement | switch statement sample |
004 | for-statement | for statement sample |
005 | slice-type | slice data type sample |
006 | map-type | map data type sample |
007 | interface-type | interface type sample |
008 | channel-type | channel type sample |
009 | class-inheric | class inheritance sample |
010 | generic-function | generic function sample |
011 | dynamic-function | dynamic function sample |
012 | type-size | type size evaluation sample |
013 | type-assert | type assertion sample |
014 | interface-trap | an interface trap sample |
015 | time-ticker | time ticker sample |
016 | channel-close | the behavior of closed channel sample |
017 | panic-recover | panic recover sample |
018 | net-context | net context with cancel / deadline / timeout samples |
019 | map-assert | map assertion sample |
020 | goroutine-pool | goroutine pool sample |
021 | unnamed-struct | unnamed struct type sample |
022 | generics | generics sample |
PKG | Sample | Description |
amqp | amqp-simple-mode | amqp simple mode sample |
amqp | amqp-work-queue-mode | amqp work queue mode sample |
amqp | amqp-fanout-mode | amqp fanout mode sample |
amqp | amqp-direct-route-mode | amqp direct route mode sample |
amqp | amqp-topic-route-mode | amqp topic route mode sample |
amqp | amqp-rpc-mode | amqp rpc mode sample |
encoding/base64 | base64 | base64 encoding/decoding sample |
regexp | regexp | regular expression sample |
encoding/xml | xml | xml decoding sample |
sego | sego | sego word segment sample |
fabcar | fabcar | Hyperledger fabric v2.2 fabcar chaincode invoking sample |
bccsp | bccsp | Hyperledger fabric bccsp package sample |
bcmsp | msp | Hyperledger fabric-sdk-go msp package sample |
rwriter | rwriter | Rotate writer rwriter package sample |
cryptolib | cryptolib | common cryptographical library cryptolib package sample |
did wallet | did-wallet | did wallet package sample |
elastic | elastic | elastic search sdk v7 package sample |
gfa-eps-sdk-go | epssdk | gfa eps service sdk package sample |
gfa-eps-sdk-go | epssdk | gfa eps service sdk package sample |
pkcs11 | pkcs11 | pkcs11 package testing with SoftHSM2 sample |
pkcs12 | pkcs12 | pkcs12 package sample |
tls | tls | TLS certificate and connection related sample |
gokv | gokv | gokv package sample |
[qsign]( | qsign | qsign package sample |
Learning Go
is a primer ebook for studying golang, please refer to it.
Chapter | Topic | Description |
Q2 | for-loop | For-loop exercise |
Q3 | FizzBuzz | FizzBuzz exercise |
Q4 | strings | Strings exercise |
refers to "The Go Programming Language" book, written by Alan A.A.Donovan
and Brian W.Kernighan
Chaper | Topic | Description |
ch6 | intlist | A linked list of integers sample |
ch6 | intset | A non-negativ integer set sample |
ch7 | counter | Byte Counter, Word Counter, Line Counter implementation satisfied to Writer Interface |