go-kibana is a go client library for kibana
go get github.com/ewilde/go-kibana
package examples
import (
func createSearch() (*kibana.SearchResponse, error) {
client := kibana.NewClient(kibana.NewDefaultConfig())
requestSearch, _ := kibana.NewSearchSourceBuilder().
Query: &kibana.SearchFilterQuery{
Match: map[string]*kibana.SearchFilterQueryAttributes{
"geo.src": {
Query: "CN",
Type: "phrase",
request, _ := kibana.NewSearchRequestBuilder().
WithTitle("Geography filter on china with errors").
WithSortColumns([]string{"@timestamp"}, kibana.Descending).
return client.Search().Create(request)
func createVisualization(search *kibana.Search) (*kibana.Visualization, error) {
client := kibana.NewClient(kibana.NewDefaultConfig())
client.Config.KibanaVersion = kibana.DefaultKibanaVersion6
request, _ := kibana.NewVisualizationRequestBuilder().
WithTitle("Geography filter on china with errors").
WithDescription("Gauge visualization based on a saved search").
WithVisualizationState(`{"title":"Chinese search","type":"gauge","params":{"type":"gauge","addTooltip":true,"addLegend":true,"gauge":{"verticalSplit":false,"extendRange":true,"percentageMode":false,"gaugeType":"Arc","gaugeStyle":"Full","backStyle":"Full","orientation":"vertical","colorSchema":"Green to Red","gaugeColorMode":"Labels","colorsRange":[{"from":0,"to":50},{"from":50,"to":75},{"from":75,"to":100}],"invertColors":false,"labels":{"show":true,"color":"black"},"scale":{"show":true,"labels":false,"color":"#333"},"type":"meter","style":{"bgWidth":0.9,"width":0.9,"mask":false,"bgMask":false,"maskBars":50,"bgFill":"#eee","bgColor":false,"subText":"","fontSize":60,"labelColor":true}}},"aggs":[{"id":"1","enabled":true,"type":"count","schema":"metric","params":{}}]}`).
return client.Visualization().Create(request)
By default a saved search won't display the filter
on the search UI.
Use the meta
structure to enable this, as shown below:
client := DefaultTestKibanaClient()
requestSearch, err := NewSearchSourceBuilder().
Query: &SearchFilterQuery{
Match: map[string]*SearchFilterQueryAttributes{
"geo.src": {
Query: "CN",
Type: "phrase",
Meta: &SearchFilterMetaData{
Index: client.Config.DefaultIndexId,
Negate: false,
Disabled: false,
Alias: "China",
Type: "phrase",
Key: "geo.src",
Value: "CN",
Params: &SearchFilterQueryAttributes {
Query: "CN",
Type: "phrase",
request, err := NewSearchRequestBuilder().
WithTitle("Geography filter on china").
WithSortColumns([]string{"@timestamp"}, Descending).
searchApi := client.Search()
response, err := searchApi.Create(request)
Complete examples can be found in the examples folder or in the unit tests
Logzio - running tests
env ELK_VERSION=5.5.3 KIBANA_TYPE=KibanaTypeLogzio \
KIBANA_URI="https://app-eu.logz.io" \
ELASTIC_SEARCH_PATH="/kibana/elasticsearch/logzioCustomerKibanaIndex" \
LOGZ_CLIENT_ID=zzedfwe3424fsdf [email protected] \
KIBANA_PASSWORD=mypwd make fmt test
Kibana vanilla - running tests
env ELK_VERSION=6.2.1 KIBANA_TYPE=KibanaTypeVanilla make
Environment variables | Description |
ELK_VERSION | Version of ELK to run while test against logzio |
KIBANA_TYPE | Always KibanaTypeLogzio |
KIBANA_URI | Your logz.io base uri i.e. https://app-eu.logz.io/kibana-7-6 |
ELASTIC_SEARCH_PATH | Always /kibana/elasticsearch/logzioCustomerKibanaIndex for logz.io |
LOGZ_CLIENT_ID | Obtained for the POST data call to https://logzio.auth0.com/oauth/ro. Use chrome developer tools when you login to logz.io to obtain this. |
LOGZ_URL | Optional The base URL to Logz.io, i.e https://app-eu.logz.io. Defaults to KIBANA_URI or https://app-eu.logz.io (in that order) |
LOGZ_MFA_SECRET | Optional One time password secret, if account requires MFA. |
KIBANA_USERNAME | Your logz.io username |
KIBANA_PASSWORD | Your logz.io password |
LOGZ_IO_ACCOUNT_ID_1 | Optional Your primary logz.io account id, you can obtain this from the result or GET https://app-eu.logz.io/session. If not given will not run some tests to do with switching between multiple logz.io accounts |
LOGZ_IO_ACCOUNT_ID_2 | Optional A secondary primary logz.io account id, you can obtain this from the result or GET https://app-eu.logz.io/session after you switch accounts in the logz.io UI. If not given will not run some tests to do with switching between multiple logz.io accounts |
KIBANA_DEBUG | Optional If set to any value i.e. 1 will print http request and response debug information |
This project uses govendor to manage dependencies
govendor fetch github.com/owner/repo