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Merge branch 'release/5.0.0'
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Cooldude2606 committed Mar 8, 2019
2 parents b295e79 + ea963a1 commit bc95727
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Showing 394 changed files with 6,978 additions and 916 deletions.
754 changes: 0 additions & 754 deletions FactorioSoftmodManager.lua

This file was deleted.

57 changes: 44 additions & 13 deletions control.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,45 @@
-- not_luadoc=true
function _log(...) log(...) end -- do not remove this is used for smaller verbose lines
Manager = require("FactorioSoftmodManager")
selfInit=true, -- called while the manager is being set up
moduleLoad=false, -- when a module is required by the manager
moduleInit=false, -- when and within the initation of a module
modulePost=false, -- when and within the post of a module
moduleEnv=false, -- during module runtime, this is a global option set within each module for fine control
eventRegistered=false, -- when a module registers its event handlers
errorCaught=true, -- when an error is caught during runtime
output=Manager._verbose -- can be: can be: print || log || other function
-- If you're looking to configure anything, you want config.lua. Nearly everything in this file is dictated by the config.

-- Info on the data lifecycle and how we use it:
require 'resources.data_stages'
_LIFECYCLE = _STAGE.control -- Control stage

-- Overrides the _G.print function
require 'utils.print_override'

-- Omitting the math library is a very bad idea
require 'utils.math'

-- Global Debug and make sure our version file is registered
Debug = require 'utils.debug'
require 'resources.version'

local files = {
Manager() -- can be Manager.loadModules() if called else where

-- Loads all files in array above and logs progress
local total_files = string.format('%3d',#files)
local errors = {}
for index,path in pairs(files) do
log(string.format('[INFO] Loading files %3d/%s',index,total_files))
local success,file = pcall(require,path)
-- error checking
if not success then
log('[ERROR] Failed to load file: '..path)
log('[ERROR] '..file)
table.insert(errors,'[ERROR] '..path..' :: '..file)
elseif type(file) == 'string' and file:find('not found') then
log('[ERROR] File not found: '..path)
table.insert(errors,'[ERROR] '..path..' :: Not Found')
log('[INFO] All files loaded with '..#errors..' errors:')
for _,error in pairs(errors) do log(error) end -- logs all errors again to make it make it easy to find
677 changes: 677 additions & 0 deletions expcore/commands.lua

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions expcore/common.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
local Colours = require 'resources.color_presets'
local Game = require ''

local Public = {}

--- Compare types faster for faster validation of prams
-- @usage is_type('foo','string') -- return true
-- @usage is_type('foo') -- return false
-- @param v the value to be tested
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string test_type the type to test for if not given then it tests for nil
-- @treturn boolean is v of type test_type
function Public.type_check(value,test_type)
return test_type and value and type(value) == test_type or not test_type and not value or false

--- Will return a value of any type to the player/server console, allows colour for in-game players
-- @usage player_return('Hello, World!') -- returns 'Hello, World!' to game.player or server console
-- @usage player_return('Hello, World!','green') -- returns 'Hello, World!' to game.player with colour green or server console
-- @usage player_return('Hello, World!',nil,player) -- returns 'Hello, World!' to the given player
-- @param value any value of any type that will be returned to the player or console
-- @tparam[opt=defines.colour.white] ?defines.color|string colour the colour of the text for the player, ignored when printing to console
-- @tparam[opt=game.player] LuaPlayer player the player that return will go to, if no game.player then returns to server
function Public.player_return(value,colour,player)
colour = Public.type_check(colour,'table') and colour or Colours[colour] ~= Colours.white and Colours[colour] or Colours.white
player = player or game.player
-- converts the value to a string
local returnAsString
if Public.type_check(value,'table') then
if Public.type_check(value.__self,'userdata') then
-- value is userdata
returnAsString = 'Cant Display Userdata'
elseif Public.type_check(value[1],'string') and string.find(value[1],'.+[.].+') and not string.find(value[1],'%s') then
-- value is a locale string
returnAsString = value
elseif getmetatable(value) ~= nil and not tostring(value):find('table: 0x') then
-- value has a tostring meta method
returnAsString = tostring(value)
-- value is a table
returnAsString = serpent.block(value)
elseif Public.type_check(value,'function') then
-- value is a function
returnAsString = 'Cant Display Functions'
else returnAsString = tostring(value) end
-- returns to the player or the server
if player then
-- allows any valid player identifier to be used
player = Game.get_player_from_any(player)
if not player then error('Invalid Player given to player_return',2) end
-- plays a nice sound that is different to normal message sound
else rcon.print(returnAsString) end

return Public
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions expcore/common_parse.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
local Commands = require 'expcore.commands'
local Game = require ''

>>>>Adds parses:
string-options - options: array
string-max-length - max_length: number
number-range - range_min: number, range_max: number
integer-range - range_min: number, range_max: number

if not input then return end -- nil check
input = input:lower()
if input == 'yes'
or input == 'y'
or input == 'true'
or input == '1' then
return true
return false

if not input then return end -- nil check
input = input:lower()
for option in options do
if input == option:lower() then
return true
return reject{'reject-string-options',options:concat(', ')}

if not input then return end -- nil check
local length = input:len()
if length > max_length then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-string-max-length',max_length}
return input

if not input then return end -- nil check
local number = tonumber(input)
if not number then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-number'}
return number

if not input then return end -- nil check
local number = tonumber(input)
if not number then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-number'}
return math.floor(number)

local number = Commands.parse('number',input,player,reject)
if not number then return end -- nil check
if number < range_min or number > range_max then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-number-range',range_min,range_max}
return number

local number = Commands.parse('integer',input,player,reject)
if not number then return end -- nil check
if number < range_min or number > range_max then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-number-range',range_min,range_max}
return number

if not input then return end -- nil check
local input_player = Game.get_player_from_any(input)
if not input_player then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-player',input}
return input_player

local input_player = Commands.parse('player',input,player,reject)
if not input_player then return end -- nil check
if not input_player.connected then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-player-online'}
return input_player

local input_player = Commands.parse('player-online',input,player,reject)
if not input_player then return end -- nil check
if not input_player.character or not or <= 0 then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-player-alive'}
return input_player

if not input then return end -- nil check
local force = game.forces[input]
if not force then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-force'}
return force

if not input then return end
local surface = game.surfaces[input]
if not surface then
return reject{'expcore-commands.reject-surface'}
return surface
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions expcore/locale/de.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
unauthorized=401 - Unbefugt: Zugang verweigert. Du hast keinen Zugriff auf diese Befehle!
reject-number-range=ungültige Reichweite, Min: __1__, Max: __2__
reject-string-max-length=ungültige Länge, Max: __1__
reject-player=ungültiger Spieler Name, __1__ , Versuche "Tab" zu benutzen, damit sich der Name automatisch vervollständigt.
reject-player-online=Der betroffene Spieler ist offline, Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden.
reject-player-alive=Der betroffene Spieler ist Tod, Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden.
invalid-inputs=ungültige Eingabe, /__1__ __2__
command-ran=Befehl ausgeführt.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions expcore/locale/en.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
unauthorized=Unauthorized, Access is denied due to invalid credentials
reject-string-options=Invalid Option, Must be one of: __1__
reject-string-max-length=Invalid Length, Max: __1__
reject-number=Invalid Number
reject-number-range=Invalid Range, Min (inclusive): __1__, Max (inclusive): __2__
reject-player=Invaild Player Name, __1__ ,try using tab key to auto-complete the name
reject-player-online=Player is offline.
reject-player-alive=Player is dead.
reject-force=Invaild Force Name
reject-surface=Invaild surface Name
invalid-inputs=Invalid Input, /__1__ __2__
invalid-param=Invalid Param "__1__"; __2__
command-help=__1__ - __2__
command-ran=Command Complete
command-fail=Command failed to run: __1__
command-error-log-format=[ERROR] command/__1__ :: __2__
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions expcore/locale/nl.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
unauthorized=401 - Onbevoegd: toegang wordt geweigerd vanwege ongeldige inloggegevens
reject-number-range=Onjuiste radius, Min: __1__, Max: __2__
reject-string-max-length=Onjuiste lengte, Max: __1__
reject-player=Onjuiste naam, __1__ , probeer tab te gebruiken om de naam automatisch in te vullen
reject-player-online=Speler is offline.
reject-player-alive=Speler is dood.
invalid-inputs=Onjuiste invoer, /__1__ __2__
command-ran=Commando uitgevoerd.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions expcore/locale/sv-SE.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
unauthorized=401 - Otillåten: Tillgång nekas på grund av otillräcklig säkerhetsprövning.
reject-number-range=Invalid räckvid, Min: __1__, Max: __2__
reject-string-max-length=ogiltig längd, Max: __1__
reject-player=Ogiltigt spelarnamn, __1__ , försök använda tab-tangenten för att auto-slutföra namn.
reject-player-online=Spelare är offline. Kommando misslyckades med att köras.
reject-player-alive=Spelare är död. Kommando misslyckades med att köras.
invalid-inputs=Igiltig inmatning, /__1__ __2__
command-ran=Kommandot slutfört
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions locale/en/commands-local.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
kill-already-dead=You are already dead.
admin-chat-format=[Admin Chat] [color=__3__]__1__: __2__
tp-no-position-found=No position to teleport to was found, please try again later.
tp-to-self=Player can not be teleported to themselves.
chelp-title=Help results for "__1__":
chelp-footer=(__1__ results found; page __2__ of __3__)
chelp-format=/__1__ __2__ - __3__ __4__
chelp-alias=Alias: __1__
chelp-out-of-range=__1__ is an invalid page number.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions locale/en/expcore.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
unauthorized=Unauthorized, Access is denied due to invalid credentials
reject-string-options=Invalid Option, Must be one of: __1__
reject-string-max-length=Invalid Length, Max: __1__
reject-number=Invalid Number
reject-number-range=Invalid Range, Min (inclusive): __1__, Max (inclusive): __2__
reject-player=Invaild Player Name, __1__ ,try using tab key to auto-complete the name
reject-player-online=Player is offline.
reject-player-alive=Player is dead.
reject-force=Invaild Force Name
reject-surface=Invaild surface Name
invalid-inputs=Invalid Input, /__1__ __2__
invalid-param=Invalid Param "__1__"; __2__
command-help=__1__ - __2__
command-ran=Command Complete
command-fail=Command failed to run: __1__
command-error-log-format=[ERROR] command/__1__ :: __2__
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions modules/ExpGamingCore/Command/locale/de.cfg

This file was deleted.

14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions modules/ExpGamingCore/Command/locale/en.cfg

This file was deleted.

9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions modules/ExpGamingCore/Command/locale/fr.cfg

This file was deleted.

9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions modules/ExpGamingCore/Command/locale/nl.cfg

This file was deleted.


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