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A memcached store for the express-rate-limit middleware.


From the npm registry:

# Using npm
> npm install express-rate-limit
# Using yarn or pnpm
> yarn/pnpm add express-rate-limit

From Github Releases:

# Using npm
> npm install{version}/rate-limit-memcached.tgz
# Using yarn or pnpm
> yarn/pnpm add{version}/rate-limit-memcached.tgz

Replace {version} with the version of the package that you want to your, e.g.: 1.0.0.


This package requires you to use Node 16 or above.

An example of its usage is as follows:

import { rateLimit } from 'express-rate-limit'
import { MemcachedStore } from 'rate-limit-memcached'

const limiter = rateLimit({
	windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes.
	max: 100, // Limit each IP to 100 requests per `window` (here, per 15 minutes).
	standardHeaders: 'draft-7', // Return rate limit info in the `RateLimit` header.
	legacyHeaders: false, // Disable the `X-RateLimit-*` headers.
	store: new MemcachedStore({
		// prefix: 'rl:', // The prefix attached to all keys stored in the cache.
		locations: ['localhost:11211'], // The server location(s), passed directly to Memcached.

// Apply the rate limiting middleware to all requests




The text to prepend to all keys stored by this package in Memcached.

Defaults to rl:.



The client used to make requests to the Memcached server. Must have the following methods:

  • get: (key, callback)
  • del: (key, callback)
  • set: (key, value, lifetime, callback)
  • add: (key, value, lifetime, callback)
  • incr: (key, delta, callback)
  • decr: (key, delta, callback)

Here, key is a string, value and delta are numbers, and lifetime is the time in seconds until it expires.

Defaults to an instance of memcached, created with the locations and config options (see below for details) passed to it.


A list of memcached servers to store the keys in, passed to the default Memcached client.

Note that the default client is only used if an alternative client is not passed to the store.

Defaults to ['localhost:11211'].



The configuration passed to the default Memcached client.

Defaults to {}.

Issues and Contributing

If you encounter a bug or want to see something added/changed, please go ahead and open an issue! If you need help with something, feel free to start a discussion!

If you wish to contribute to the library, thanks! First, please read the contributing guide. Then you can pick up any issue and fix/implement it!


MIT © Tomohisa Oda, Nathan Friedly and Vedant K