This repository is intended to prepare your local development machine for the eXXplore the unknown - Django track.
- Python 3.11 (or Python 3.12) -
- Python Poetry dependency management tool 1.8.x -
- IDE: PyCharm Community Edition 2024.x (preferred) or VS Code (or another editor you are comfortable with)
Please install Python 3.11 and configure your OS/environment so that both the Python and poetry executables are in the path.
Example with Ubuntu Linux: After installation, running the python
command from a terminal should
open an interactive python shell displaying the correct version, similar to this:
> python
Python 3.11.9 (main, Apr 6 2024, 17:59:24) [GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Install Python Poetry using the "official installer method" by following the instructions at
The output should look similar to this:
daniel@N418 ~> curl -sSL | python3 -
Retrieving Poetry metadata
# Welcome to Poetry!
This will download and install the latest version of Poetry,
a dependency and package manager for Python.
It will add the `poetry` command to Poetry's bin directory, located at:
You can uninstall at any time by executing this script with the --uninstall option,
and these changes will be reverted.
Installing Poetry (1.8.3): Done
Poetry (1.8.3) is installed now. Great!
You can test that everything is set up by executing:
`poetry --version`
daniel@N418 ~> poetry --version
Poetry (version 1.8.3)
Clone this repository to your machine, then run the following commands in the root directory:
> poetry install --no-root
Creating virtualenv exxploredjango-Pt27Ji-5-py3.11 in /home/daniel/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs
Installing dependencies from lock file
Package operations: 17 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing attrs (23.2.0)
- Installing rpds-py (0.18.1)
- Installing asgiref (3.8.1)
- Installing referencing (0.35.1)
- Installing sqlparse (0.5.0)
- Installing django (4.2.13)
- Installing jsonschema-specifications (2023.12.1)
- Installing soupsieve (2.5)
- Installing beautifulsoup4 (4.12.3)
- Installing djangorestframework (3.15.1)
- Installing inflection (0.5.1)
- Installing jsonschema (4.22.0)
- Installing pyyaml (6.0.1)
- Installing uritemplate (4.1.1)
- Installing django-bootstrap4 (23.4)
- Installing django-filter (23.5)
- Installing drf-spectacular (0.26.5)
> poetry run python runserver
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Open in your browser. A website displaying "The install worked successfully! Congratulations!" should be displayed.