YouBlog is a blogging app for Android and iOS written in TypeScript/JavaScript with React Native.
(Should go to the issues...)
- Use the refresh token and when id token has expired
- Use alternate logins via google/facebook...
- Change Profile (optional), Author image, Author name in blog post clickable
- Blog post preview
- Insert the Date picker
- Use also bold and italic fonts in the markdown
- User can select from their own uploaded images
- Image manager for registered users
- Liking and comments for blog posts
- Figure out what contributes into the final apk and remove unncessary packages
- Maybe completely remove the Firebase SDK
- Overhaul and integrate the firbase rest code
- make logging consistent
- read up on and implement e2e tests
- test the reducers
- test some more of the database code (mocking?)
- make theming consistent
- Frontend: React Native, Expo
- State management: Redux, Redux thunk, immer
- UI: RN Elements, RN paper, react navigation
- Backend: Firebase (Authentication, Firestore Database, Google Cloud Storage)
- Helpful tools:
- Color: chroma-js
- Dates: moment
- Validation: validate.js
- Markdown: react-native-markdown-display
- Networking: axios
- Testing: Jest
- Local scripts: ts-node, ts-node-dev
- Formatting: prettier