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Trevor Brunette edited this page Apr 1, 2023 · 16 revisions


EzASM is an interpreted assembly-like language created for the purpose of instruction on computer organization. A step down from C, EzASM has many of the creature of a modern high-level language such as builtin terminal functions, function calls via labels, stack allocation, heap allocation, pointer dereferencing, and more. The intention of this language is not to be fast or efficient, rather to be instructive and help students and enthusiastic individuals learn about assembly languages without getting thrown in the deep end by learning x86.

Built on Java 17, the language hosts its own text editor with syntax highlighting, emulator, register view, and memory viewer combined in a rich graphical user interface. There is also a windowless mode where the program will run headless and act like a typical interpreted program.

Information about the instruction set for the language can be found here.

Information about the syntax for the language can be found here.

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