Ability to set minimum and maximum crop size by defining
respectively in your model. e.gclass User < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :avatar, styles:{standard: "300x300",thumbnail:"100x100"} crop_attached_file :avatar , min_size:'300x300'
Generally, you'll be setting min_size to your largest paperclip preset. In our example it is
. You may want set max_size in similar way. -
The initial crop selection size is set to the maximum width possible, a behaviour seen on Facebook.com.The implication of this subtle change is a noticeable improvement in user experience.
Now you do not have to set attr_accessible for papercrop parameters in your model. Previously, I had to add:
attr_accessible :avatar_original_w, :avatar_original_h, :avatar_box_w, :avatar_crop_x, :avatar_crop_y, :avatar_crop_w, :avatar_crop_h, :avatar_aspect
provided that the attachment name is
. -
If using Rails 4 ,
outputs a list of parameters being used by papercrop, where:avatar
is the name of attachment as defined in your model. You can use this helper in two ways:@user.update_attributes(params.require(:user).permit( cropping_params(:avatar) )
def user_params params.require(:user).permit(:email,:password,:password_confirmation,cropping_params(:avatar)) end
The difference is that the former only allows cropping paramters through, which is useful if you are using a seperate cropping page. The later is useful if the cropping form is somehow integrated with another form.
Includes minified resources. Saves an additional ~30kB.
For full documentation, visit the original repository.
Include this in your gemfile
gem "papercrop", git: "https://github.com/ezuhaib/papercrop"