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Producer Consumer Lab

For this lab you will implement a trivial producer-consumer system using python threads where all coordination is managed by counting and binary semaphores for a system of two producers and two consumers. The producers and consumers will form a simple rendering pipeline using multiple threads. One thread will read frames from a file, a second thread will take those frames and convert them to grayscale, and the third thread will display those frames. The threads will run concurrently.

File List

Extracts a series of frames from the video contained in 'clip.mp4' and saves them as jpeg images in sequentially numbered files with the pattern 'frame_xxxx.jpg'.

Loads a series for frams from sequentially numbered files with the pattern 'frame_xxxx.jpg', converts the grames to grayscale, and saves them as jpeg images with the file names 'grayscale_xxxx.jpg'

Loads a series of frames sequently from files with the names 'grayscale_xxxx.jpg' and displays them with a 42ms delay.

Loads a series of framss from a video contained in 'clip.mp4' and displays them with a 42ms delay


  • Extract frames from a video file, convert them to grayscale, and display them in sequence
  • You must have three functions
    • One function to extract the frames
    • One function to convert the frames to grayscale
    • One function to display the frames at the original framerate (24fps)
  • The functions must each execute within their own python thread
    • The threads will execute concurrently
    • The order threads execute in may not be the same from run to run
  • Threads will need to signal that they have completed their task
  • Threads must process all frames of the video exactly once
  • Frames will be communicated between threads using producer/consumer idioms
    • Producer/consumer quesues will be bounded at ten frames

Note: You may have ancillary objects and method in order to make you're code easer to understand and implement.


producer-consumer-lab-lanavar created by GitHub Classroom






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