Download symbols locally
.symfix+ c:\symbols
Function | Command | Examples |
show all registers | r |
- |
show registry content | r <reg>,[<reg>] |
r rax,rsp |
set registry value | r @<reg>=<val> |
r @rax=0 |
Function | Command | Type / Size | Examples |
display memory at address | d* <addr> [format] |
bytes: db words: dw dwords: dd qwords: dq pointer: dp |
db @rax L4 |
edit memory at address | e* <addr> <val> [<val> ...] |
bytes: eb word: ew dword: ed qword: eq pointer ep |
eb @ip a3 b6 c9 |
show protection attributes | !vprot <addr> |
memory page | |
dereference memory at address | d* poi(<addr>) |
dq poi(@rax) |
Function | Command | Type / Size | Examples |
display string at address | d* <addr> |
ascii: da unicode: du |
da 7ffe040d0110 |
edit string at address | e* <addr> <val> [<val> ...] |
ascii: ea unicode: eu |
ea 7ffe040d0110 "AAAA" |
Function | Command | Examples |
set a breakpoint | bp |
bp kernel32!VirtualAlloc |
set unresolved breakpoint (becomes bp when the module is loaded) |
bu |
bu test!TestFunc |
set breakpoint on module function[s] using pattern | bm |
bm wow64!* |
clear all breakpoints | bc |
bc * |
Function | Command |
go (or resume execution) | g (F5) |
single step | p (F10) |
step to address | p <addr> |
toggle display of registers after each step | pr |
Function | Command | Examples |
unassemble | u <name/addr> |
u kernel32!VirtualAlloc+0x4f |
unassemble from address at pointer | u poi(<addr>) |
u poi(777a9228) |
unassemble function with offsets | uf /o [addr] |
uf /o amsi!AmsiOpenSession |
Function | Command | Examples |
list loaded (or deferred) modules | lm |
- |
check if a module is loaded | lm m <module> |
lm m amsi |
break when a module is loaded | sxe ld <module> |
sxe ld amsi |
show functions exported by the module (reads EAT) | x <module>!<regex> |
x ntdll!*Allocate* |
Command | Function | Examples |
r $teb |
display TEB base address | - |
r $peb |
display PEB base address | - |
dt ntdll!_PEB @$peb |
display type ntdll!_PEB starting from address stored in $peb |
- |
dt ntdll!_PEB @$peb <struct>-><pointed struct>->... |
display sub structures starting from PEB | dt ntdll!_PEB @$peb Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList |
!list -x "dt <type> <attribute[s]>" <base_addr> |
use link extension to traverse linked list starting at base address | !list -x "dt _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY BaseDllName" 0x0001ed... |