It's a one file nsupdate based PHP BIND9 Admin site
- Webserver
- php with ldap module
- nsupdate
- dig
- Can add DNS record via nsupdate
- Can delete DNS record via nsupdate
- Check A Record for PTR Entry
- Check CNAME for valid destination IP at the end of the chain.
- Checks PTR for the corresponding A Record.
The head of index.php is the configuration part:
$zones = ['', '']; // or place to zones.txt, new line/zone.
$types = ['A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'TXT', 'SRV']; // PTR Automatically added for rev zones.
$server = "";
$keystring = "web-nsupdate a3t7gPAt3r6osCX7d4rW1k==";
$default_ttl = "3600"; // Default TTL for new records
$manage_reverse = true; // Manage PTR with A, if we manage Reverse Zone.
$logging = true; // Enable auditing (true/false)
$auditlog = "bindadmin.log"; // Logfile
// Ldap
$ldap_enforce_login = true; // Enable ldap (true/false), if false anyone can change dns.
$ldap_server = ""; // ldap ip/host
$ldap_bind_dn = "CN=LOGIN,OU=Example,OU=User,DC=example,DC=com"; // Bind DN, "LOGIN" will be replaced with user login
$ldap_base = "DC=example,DC=com";
$ldap_filter = '(&(objectClass=user)(cn=LOGIN))'; // Filter for users. LOGIN will be replaced with user login
- Add user group support
- Better Access restrictions
- Add Modify record Form