This project demonstrates deploying WAF via iApps and cloudformation templates. It leverages templates from the official repositories
Mainly converting the simple deployment approach here
to using ansible.
- ansible==2.4.0
- boto==2.46.1
- boto3==1.4.4
- botocore==1.5.30
Latest development branch of the F5 SDK: pip install --upgrade git+
See included requirements.txt for full environment used.
- Copy and Edit Inventory Variables
cp example-vault.yaml inventory/group_vars/all/vault.yaml
Edit install_path, passwords, ssh keys, email, etc.
Edit any non secret variables in inventory/group_vars/all/vars.yaml
Edit inventory/hosts to point to your interpreter
localhost ansible_python_interpreter=/home/vagrant/ansible-venv/bin/python
- update ansible.cfg in top directory to point to latest F5 ansible modules.
For instance, the entry "/home/vagrant/git/f5-ansible/library/" in library path:
points to local copy of development branch.
Tested with Commit: 6c2aeaabef33d795c03db7ecdd9b5e82eca91296 (Wed Dec 20 14:56:44 2017 -0800)
- If deploying stacks in AWS, configure boto credentials file ~/.aws/credentials
See link below for more detail:
This user will need permission to create cloudformation stacks with IAM roles.
For more information, see
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/deploy_aws_stack.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1"
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/tag_master_bigip_aws.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1"
WARNING: from now on, the playbooks will use dynamic inventory to discover the BIG-IP's API address and uses the default naming convention. By default, the cloudformation template will tag the instances with the convention
Name: BIG-IP Autoscale Instance
We use this playbook to add "-master" to that tag so Ansible's dynamic inventory will create dynamic group with name:
which only contains the host IP of the instance with "Scale-In Protection". This is the most reliable host to automate against as it doesn't have a risk of being terminated mid transaction.
ansible-playbook -i inventory/ playbooks/onboard_bigip_aws.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1"
ansible-playbook -i inventory/ playbooks/backup_autoscale_bigip.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1"
Uncomment one bigip_iApp_X role you would like to deploy in playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml. See the description in each role's tasks/main.yaml
If you are deploying in AWS, configure the inventory/host_vars/bigip host file to point to your bigip and set the playbooks to run on "hosts: bigips" instead.
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1"
Warning: Requires AVR + ASM to be provisioned
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1"
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1 asm_policy_name=linux-low"
bigip_iApp_4 = = An HTTP service with WAF and service discovery iApp for discovering pool members by tags. AWS deployments only.
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1 applicationPoolTagKey=aws:autoscaling:groupName applicationPoolTagValue=demo1-demo1-application-appAutoscaleGroup-1WL86R38ZV303"
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1"
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1"
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=service2 vs_port=81 asm_policy_name=linux-low"
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_iApp.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=service2 vs_port=81 asm_policy_name=linux-high"
This creates another
- external LB
- iApp Service
- Application in an Auto Scale Group
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/ playbooks/deploy_service_aws.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=service2 vs_port=81"
ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/ playbooks/teardown_service_aws.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=service2 vs_port=81"
Test WAF:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json; ls /usr/bin"
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/teardown_aws_stack.yaml -e "deploymentName=demo1 service_name=demo1"