Delivery optimization in urban area with numerous stops. Based on OpenStreetMap and OR-Tools.
For the following installation, your current working directory needs to be the mapotempo-web root directory.
Install ruby (>2.0 is needed), bundler and some dependencies from system package.
yum install ruby ruby-devel rubygem-bundler postgresql-devel libgeos++-dev
Install ruby (>2.0 is needed) and other dependencies from system package. For exemple for Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ruby2.0 ruby2.0-dev libz-dev libicu-dev build-essential g++ postgresql-server-dev-9.3 libgeos++-dev
Install ruby bundle gem by :
export GEM_HOME=~/.gem/ruby/2.0.0
gem install bundler
Now add gem bin directory to path with :
export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin
And finally install gem project dependencies with :
bundle install
Default project configuration is in config/application.rb
you can override any setting by create a config/initializers/mapotempo.rb
file and override any variable. In particular you may need to override Mapotempo::Application.config.trace_cache_dir
and Mapotempo::Application.config.optimizer_exec
Delayed job (background task) can be activated by setting Mapotempo::Application.config.delayed_job_use = true
it's allow asynchronous running of import geocoder and optimization computation.
Default configuration point on public OSRM API but matrix computation heavily discouraged on it. So point on your own instance.
Check database configuration in config/database.yml
and from project directory create a database for your environment with :
As postgres user:
createuser -s [username]
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 -O [username] mapotempo-dev
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 -O [username] mapotempo-test
As normal user:
rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=development
You can load demo data from db/seeds.rb
into database with :
rake db:seed
Start standalone rails server with
rails server
Enjoy at http://localhost:3000
Start the background jobs runner with
./bin/delayed_job run