A Simpletron Machine Language (SML) interpreter implementation in C++ as proposed by Deitel's book "C++ How to Program 3th edittion".
The simpletron machine language contains a few instructions
10 | read | read a word from the stdin into a specific location in memory |
11 | write | write a word from a specific location in memorry to the terminal |
20 | load | load a word from a specific location in memory into the accumulator |
21 | store | store a word from the accumulator into a speficif location in memory |
30 | add | add a word from a spefici location in memory to the word in the accumulator (leaving the result in the accumulator) |
31 | subtract | subtract a word from a specifc location in memory from the word in the accumulator (leave result in accumulator) |
32 | divide | divide a word from a specific location in memory into the word in the accumulator (leaving result in accumulator) |
33 | multiply | divide a word from a specific location in memory into the word in the accumulator (leaving result in accumulator) |
40 | branch | branch to a specific location in memory |
41 | branchneg | branch to a specific location in memory if the accumulator is negative |
42 | branchzero | Branch to a specific location in memory if the accumulator is zero |
43 | branchpos | Branch to a specific location in memory if the accumulator is positive |
50 | halt | called when the program is done with its task |
This program was originally written as an academic exercise so, please, be kind with my student's code style. I've discovered this code in one old backup disk and I decided to make some improvements:
- Add runtime error checks
- Add mnenomic support to the language
- Implement a proper parser
- Add support to g++ and linux
The code is tested, by now, only in Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition