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Releases: fabiofalci/sconsify


28 Apr 16:32
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Next Pre-release

Sconsify-next binary contains current master branch fixes and features to be released in the next version.

  • Search term now accepts numbers.

  • Local search \.

  • Issue a new token for a running instance: sconsify -issue-web-api-token.


03 Mar 18:29
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Sconsify 0.5.0, a minor release just to get some things out:

  • Add a pause command (different than the current play_pause that toggles play/pause). Useful in cases such as locking the computer and pausing the music. For instance i3 binding:
bindsym Control+Mod1+l exec "i3lock -c 000000 && sconsify -command pause"
  • Ignore tracks with no artists. TODO still need fixing, maybe just ignoring the artist but still showing in the playlist.

  • Spotify has changed search endpoint, it requires authentication now. Unfortunately, that means after 1 hour the token expires and search won't work anymore. As there is no way to refresh token, a sconsify restart is required.


13 Feb 20:35
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Next Pre-release

Sconsify-next binary contains current master branch fixes and features to be released in the next version.

  • Add a pause command (different than the current play_pause that toggles play/pause). Useful in cases such as locking the computer and pausing the music. For instance i3 binding:
bindsym Control+Mod1+l exec "i3lock -c 000000 && sconsify -command pause"
  • Ignore tracks with no artists. TODO still need fixing, maybe just ignoring the artist but still showing up on the playlist.

  • Spotify has changed search endpoint, it requires authentication now. Unfortunately, that means after 1 hour the token expires and search won't work anymore. As there is no way to refresh token, a sconsify restart is required.


08 Feb 21:43
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Sconsify 0.4.0:

  • Mark playing song in the track list.
  • Search aliases al = album, ar = artist, tr = track:
    ar:the beatles
    tr:let it be
  • Fix pause to actually pause the track and not to stop it.
  • Temporary playlist. Type c in the queue view, type a name and then a temporary playlist will appear containing all songs in the queue view.
  • Show tracks as title + artist instead of artist + title.
  • Load playlists using spotify web api by default as it seems that loading playlists using libspotify doesn't work anymore.
  • Fix macOS Sierra issues by updating go (1.7.5) and fixing gco pointer rules.


27 Jan 21:38
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v0.4.0-rc3 Pre-release

Sconsify 0.4.0-rc3:

  • Fix macOS Sierra issues by updating go (1.7.5) and fixing gco pointer rules.


05 Jan 19:16
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v0.4.0-rc2 Pre-release

Sconsify 0.4.0-rc2:

  • Load playlists using spotify web api when using -web-api flag as it seems that loading playlists using libspotify doesn't work anymore.

This release still doesn't solve the problem on macOS Sierra.


12 Nov 20:19
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v0.4.0-rc1 Pre-release

Sconsify 0.4.0-rc1:

  • Mark playing song in the track list.
  • Search aliases al = album, ar = artist, tr = track:
    ar:the beatles
    tr:let it be
  • Fix pause to actually pause the track and not to stop it.
  • Temporary playlist. Type c in the queue view, type a name and then a temporary playlist will appear containing all songs in the queue view.
  • Show tracks as title + artist instead of artist + title.


18 Sep 17:50
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Sconsify 0.3.0:

  • Remove track from playlist: dd (it doesn't save the change to spotify playlist).
  • Remove playlist from playlists view: dd (it doesn't save the change to spotify playlist).
  • Remove all tracks from playlist: D (it doesn't save the change to spotify playlist).
  • Preferred bitrate -preferred-bitrate=96k, 160k, 320k.
  • Search function using spotify web-api instead of libspotify sdk.
  • Press to load option in the search to load more results.
  • Search fields: album, artist or track. Examples:
    artist:the beatles
    track:let it be
  • Interprocess commands using sconsify -command <command>. Available commands: replay, play_pause, next. For instance my i3 config file has this configuration so I can use keyboard buttons to replay, play/pause and go to the next track:
    bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec sconsify -command replay
    bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec sconsify -command play_pause
    bindsym XF86AudioNext exec sconsify -command next
  • Experimental use of spotify web-api to have access to saved albums, saved songs and new releases. It needs a web autentication to get an access token valid for 1 hour. After 1 hour it won't be able to access the web-api anymore and there's no way to refresh the token, only quiting and opening the application again. Pass -web-api flag to use it.


13 Jun 17:25
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v0.3.0-rc1 Pre-release

Sconsify 0.3.0 release candidate 1:

  • Remove track from playlist: dd (it doesn't save the change to spotify playlist).
  • Remove playlist from playlists view: dd (it doesn't save the change to spotify playlist).
  • Remove all tracks from playlist: D (it doesn't save the change to spotify playlist).
  • Preferred bitrate -preferred-bitrate=96k, 160k, 320k.
  • Search function using spotify web-api instead of libspotify sdk.
  • Press to load option in the search to load more results.
  • Search fields: album, artist or track. Examples:
    artist:the beatles
    track:let it be
  • Interprocess commands using sconsify -command <command>. Available commands: replay, play_pause, next. For instance my i3 config file has this configuration so I can use keyboard buttons to replay, play/pause and go to the next track:
    bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec sconsify -command replay
    bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec sconsify -command play_pause
    bindsym XF86AudioNext exec sconsify -command next
  • Experimental use of spotify web-api to have access to saved albums, saved songs and new releases. It needs a web autentication to get an access token valid for 1 hour. After 1 hour it won't be able to access the web-api anymore and there's no way to refresh the token, only quiting and opening the application again. Pass -web-api flag to use it.


17 Jan 00:42
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  • Fix error when arrow navigation after a search
  • Fix error when loading nil playlist folder