During 2017, I had chosen Advent Of Code 2016 to have some fun by coding.
Also, I had set some personal rules:
- Every code should be written (mostly) in imperative style;
- Every code should be written in (modern) C++ or C;
- I could use only the Standard Template Library (STL) as facility, no other C or C++ library.
So, right now I've decided to share my experience in this repository. Enjoy!
Compile with:
- clang -O3 -c md5c.c -o ./bin/md5c.o
- clang++ -std=c++14 -O3 -Wno-write-strings ./bin/md5c.o program.cpp -o ./bin/AdventOfCode2016.exe
- cl.exe /c /Fo.\bin\ /Ox md5c.c
- cl.exe /Fo.\bin\ /std:c++14 /EHsc /Ox .\bin\md5c.obj program.cpp /link /out:.\bin\AdventOfCode2016.exe
- gcc -O3 -c md5c.c -o ./bin/md5c.o
- g++ -std=c++14 -O3 -Wno-write-strings ./bin/md5c.o program.cpp -o ./bin/AdventOfCode2016.exe