This role installs and expose securely the docker APIs
- key_dir: the directory where to store the server key (default: /etc/ssl/private)
- cert_dir: the directory where to store the certificates (default: /etc/ssl/certs)
- server_key_file: the name of the server key file (default: server.key)
- server_cert_file: the name of the server certificate file (default: server.crt)
- ca_cert_file: the name of the CA certificate file (default: ca.crt)
- use_vault: states if the certificates are taken from vault (default: false)
- docker_port: the docker port (default: 2375)
- nephelaiio.docker
Create a secured docker server with certificates copied from server. The files are embedded in role itself. Client files are in the files directory of role.
- hosts: servers
- fmarinetti.docker-secured
Create a secured docker server with certificates taken from vault. In the playbook file use_vault: true must be specified. The vault file must be created as:
server_key: |
server_cert: |
ca_cert: |
and the command to launch should be:
ansible-playbook -i <inventory-file> -e @/path/to/vault <playbook> --vault-password-file <vault-password-file>