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Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ facts> example.Parent { child = $1026 }
{ "id": 1029, "key": { "child": { "id": 1026 }, "parent": { "id": 1024 } } }

Sometimes you might want to use multiple fact IDs in a query. Or-patterns come in handy here:
Sometimes you might want to use multiple fact IDs in a query. Choice (`|`) comes in handy here:

facts> example.Parent { child = $1026 | $1027 }
Expand Down
102 changes: 78 additions & 24 deletions _src/angle/
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Expand Up @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Methods with documentation:
facts> example.Member { method = { doc = { just = _ }}}

## Or-patterns
## Choice

In a pattern we can express multiple alternatives by separating patterns with a vertical bar `|`.

Expand All @@ -256,29 +256,7 @@ facts> example.Has { has = { method = { name = "feed" }} | { variable = _ }}
(results omitted)

## If-patterns

We can conditionally match patterns using `if then else`.

Variables matched in the condition will be available in the `then` branch.

Whilst an or-pattern will always evaluate both of its branches, the `else` branch of an if-pattern will
never be evaluated if the condition succeeds at least once.

For example, we could get all child classes if inheritance is being used in the codebase, or
retrieve all classes if it isn't.
facts > if (example.Parent { child = X }) then X else example.Class _
{ "id": 1025, "key": { "name": "Lizard", "line": 20 } }
{ "id": 1026, "key": { "name": "Fish", "line": 30 } }
{ "id": 1027, "key": { "name": "Goldfish", "line": 40 } }

Please note that if-patterns cannot be used in stored derived predicates. This
is the case because they require the use of negation, which is disallowed in
stored predicates.

## More complex queries
## Variables and more complex queries

So far we’ve seen how to query for facts by matching patterns, including matching nested facts. In this section we’ll see how to construct more complex queries that combine matching facts from multiple predicates.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,6 +351,82 @@ C where
example.Has { class_ = C, has = { method = { name = "feed" }}}

## Dot syntax

So far we've been extracting fields from records by writing patterns,
but we can also extract fields from records using the traditional "dot
syntax". For example, instead of

example.Parent { child = { name = "Fish" }}

we could write

example.Parent P where = "Fish"

* `example.Parent P` selects facts of `example.Parent` and binds the key to the variable `P`
* ` = "Fish"` is a constraint on the `name` field of the `child` field of `P`
* the query returns all facts of `example.Parent` that satisfy the constraint

Dot syntax tends to be more concise than patterns when there are
deeply-nested records, because it avoids all the nested braces.

### Dot syntax for union types

Matching union types can also be achieved using dot syntax. For
example, earlier we had

example.Has { has = { variable = { name = "fins" }}}

using dot syntax this would be

example.Has H where H.has.variable?.name = "fins"

Note that when selecting a union type we add a '?' suffix,
as with `.variable?` in the example above. This makes it more obvious
that we're doing something conditional: if `X.has` is not a
`variable`, then `X.has.variable?` has no values.

Selecting from union types works nicely with choice (`|`):

Name where
example.Has H;
Name = (H.has.variable?.name | H.has.method?.name)

returns all the names of variables and methods.

## If-then-else

We can conditionally match patterns using `if then else`.

Variables matched in the condition will be available in the `then` branch.

Whilst a choice will always evaluate both of its branches, the `else` branch of an if will
never be evaluated if the condition succeeds at least once.

For example, we could get all child classes if inheritance is being used in the codebase, or
retrieve all classes if it isn't.
facts > if (example.Parent { child = X }) then X else example.Class _
{ "id": 1025, "key": { "name": "Lizard", "line": 20 } }
{ "id": 1026, "key": { "name": "Fish", "line": 30 } }
{ "id": 1027, "key": { "name": "Goldfish", "line": 40 } }

Please note that `if` cannot be used in stored derived predicates. This
is the case because they require the use of negation, which is disallowed in
stored predicates.

## Arrays

When the schema uses an array, we need to be able to write queries that traverse the elements of the array. For example, a common use of an array is to represent the list of declarations in a source file. Our example schema defines the `FileClasses` predicate:
Expand Down
13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions _src/angle/
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Expand Up @@ -15,15 +15,10 @@ return the names of all the member declarations defined in a
JavaScript file `project/myfile.js`:

N where
flow.FileDeclaration {
file = "project/myfile.js",
declaration = {
memberDecl = {
name = N
D : flow.FileDeclaration;
D.file = src.File "project/myfile.js"

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