This repo contains the implementation of GALA used for the experiments reported in
Mido Assran, Joshua Romoff, Nicolas Ballas, Joelle Pineau, and Mike Rabbat, "Gossip-based actor learner architectures for deep reinforcement learning," Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2019. arxiv version
This code has been tested with
- Python 3.7.4
- PyTorch 1.0 or higher The experiments reported in the paper were run using PyTorch 1.0. We have also tested this code with PyTorch 1.3.
We use a modified version of the OpenAI Baselines interface to run our experiments. The modifications make it possible to efficiently run multiple environment instances in parallel (on a server with multiple CPUs) using Python's multiprocessing
# Baselines for Atari preprocessing
git clone
cd baselines
pip install -e .
After installing the latest version of baselines, open the file baselines/common/vec_env/
, go to the definition of ShmemVecEnv.__init__(...)
and change the default value of context
from spawn
to fork
To install other requirements, return to the GALA repo directory and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
As an example, to use GALA-A2C to train an agent to play the PongNoFrameskip-v4
environment using 4 actor-learners and 16 simulators per actor-learner, run
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -u --env-name 'PongNoFrameskip-v4' \
--user-name $USER --seed 1 --lr 0.0014 \
--num-env-steps 40000000 \
--save-interval 500000 \
--num-learners 4 \
--num-peers 1 \
--sync-freq 100000000 \
--num-procs-per-learner 16 \
--save-dir '/gala_test/models/Pong/' \
--log-dir '/gala_test/logs/Pong/'
This code produces one log file for each simulator. The log file contains three columns, the reward, episode length, and wall clock time, recorded after every episode.
This code is based on Ilya Kostrikov's pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail repository
We're also grateful to the authors of torchbeast. We used a pre-release version to obtain the comparison with Impala reported in the paper.
See the LICENSE file for details about the license under which this code is made available.