Your job is to make all the test green!
Notice that:
Cats implicits for a given type follow this convention
import cats.instances.mytype._
Cats syntax for a given type follow this convention
import cats.syntax.atype._
Comparing with Eq
, ===
and =!=
~testOnly example.EqSpec
Implement the printable for Gato
(spanish for Cat
usually split typeclasses
in the following way:
- A trait defining the general behavior
- A companion object that contains the type classes
- A syntax object containing
implicit class(es)
~testOnly example.PrintableSpec
Monoids can combine
two elements of the same type (thanks to semigroup
) and have an empty
is an alias forcombine
present in semigroup
~testOnly example.MonoidSpec
Playing with Functors.
Functors can
over something
~testOnly example.FunctorSpec
Handling additional information to the main logic flow.
Write monad add additional information
Read monad expects contextual information
~testOnly example.WriteAndReadSpec
Solving equations.
State Monad cumulates values
~testOnly example.StateSpec
Validation Monad and Either Monad handle errors
~testOnly example.ValidationSpec
If you are really, really, really having problems finding the right imports just include the following
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
However one of the goals of this exercise is to be able to identify where the typeclass implementation is located.
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