It's been a long time since the last release... but here it is, Ly v0.6.0! It mostly includes bug fixes, but also some new features (like a clock). No binaries will be provided since they are OS dependent. (Whether you use a Linux or BSD based OS, libc, etc..)
Additionally, this release has been tested on Void Linux (musl) with the following desktop environments/window managers:
- awesome
- budgie
- cinnamon
- dwm
- enlightenment
- gnome
- i3
- kde
- labwc
- lxde
- lxqt
- mate
- qtile
- spectrwm
- sway
- xfce
What's Changed
- Create pl.ini by @RDKRACZ in #327
- Fix Russian translation by @USBashka in #325
- Added serbian translation by @jorrmungandrr in #321
- Add IT translation by @kpetrilli in #245
- Add bspwm to list of tested desktop environments by @AndrewVos in #230
- Update readme.md by @plasmoduck in #252
- Allow en.ini load and add config to hide f1 commands by @voidraen in #281
- Matrix scrolling text animation by @StaleHyena in #283
- add qtile to list of supported de/wm by @yobleck in #286
- FreeBSD deserves nice drawing as well by @bapt in #340
- Use tb_poll_event instead of tb_peek_event by @jakobrs in #320
- Add Turkish language by @durmusrasit in #312
- Check if lang is NULL and use shorter check in #303
- Catalan translation by @gerardet46 in #297
- Changed active_input selection to be based on default config by @kefoster951 in #352
- Make TAB key loop through U.I elements infinitely by @SapphireAmoeba5 in #354
- Use
iterations by @donno2048 in #367 - Update readme.md by @TheArctesian in #388
- add instruction of aur package installation to readme by @KR1470R in #379
- Make
path configurable by @UtkarshVerma in #393 - Use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for storing Xauthority by @UtkarshVerma in #330
- added link for aur package in readme by @KR1470R in #400
- Organized config.ini and readme.md by @Cavernosa in #399
- Czech lang translation by @jakubhyza in #353
- Add Ukrainian Translation by @KR1470R in #362
- Fix pt and pt_BR translation translation by @hugok79 in #394
- Merge dev into master (closes #182) by @AnErrupTion in #425
- Improve config documentation by @stevensonmt in #414
- OpenRC service and support for more inits by @Cavernosa in #368
- Fixes for the XDG Base Dirs implementation (#330) by @Cavernosa in #419
- add German lang translation by @ClientCrash in #355
- Make it easy to install ly on runit systems e.g. void by @erkannt in #431
- Fedora dependencies by @jagjordi in #436
- Re-add missing environment variables by @AnyTimeTraveler in #446
- Fixed wrong argument in inputs.s input_desktop (issue #468) by @spynetS in #469
- fix typos in spanish translation by @josethAriel in #477
- Ukrainian and Russian localizations fixing by @SoulPrudya in #503
- Add Swedish Translation by @bittin in #495
- Tidy up runit service scripts by @brunorro in #479
- update the archlinux installation instructions by @christian-heusel in #505
- Ctrl+{hjkl} Moving cursor by @RannyArcher in #492
- Add location of Xresources for XDG Base Dir Spec by @kinjalik in #251
- Clocks by @SpaghettiBorgar in #461
New Contributors
- @RDKRACZ made their first contribution in #327
- @USBashka made their first contribution in #325
- @jorrmungandrr made their first contribution in #321
- @kpetrilli made their first contribution in #245
- @AndrewVos made their first contribution in #230
- @plasmoduck made their first contribution in #252
- @voidraen made their first contribution in #281
- @StaleHyena made their first contribution in #283
- @yobleck made their first contribution in #286
- @bapt made their first contribution in #340
- @jakobrs made their first contribution in #320
- @durmusrasit made their first contribution in #312
- @gerardet46 made their first contribution in #297
- @kefoster951 made their first contribution in #352
- @SapphireAmoeba5 made their first contribution in #354
- @donno2048 made their first contribution in #367
- @TheArctesian made their first contribution in #388
- @KR1470R made their first contribution in #379
- @UtkarshVerma made their first contribution in #393
- @Cavernosa made their first contribution in #399
- @jakubhyza made their first contribution in #353
- @hugok79 made their first contribution in #394
- @AnErrupTion made their first contribution in #425
- @stevensonmt made their first contribution in #414
- @ClientCrash made their first contribution in #355
- @erkannt made their first contribution in #431
- @jagjordi made their first contribution in #436
- @AnyTimeTraveler made their first contribution in #446
- @spynetS made their first contribution in #469
- @josethAriel made their first contribution in #477
- @SoulPrudya made their first contribution in #503
- @bittin made their first contribution in #495
- @brunorro made their first contribution in #479
- @christian-heusel made their first contribution in #505
- @RannyArcher made their first contribution in #492
- @kinjalik made their first contribution in #251
- @SpaghettiBorgar made their first contribution in #461
Full Changelog: v0.5.3...v0.6.0