Spider-Clue (FEI's version) is an educational project aimed at developing a digital version of the board game "CLUEDO". The main goal is to provide students at the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics with hands-on experience in software and application development using technologies such as C#, WPF, and WCF within the Visual Studio environment for the Educational Experience of Software Construction Technologies.
- C#
- WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
- WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)
- Entity Framework
- log4net
- Visual Studio
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/fairyofshampoo/SpiderCLUE-Client.git
# Navigate to the project directory
cd SpiderCLUE-Client
After installation, open the application and follow the on-screen instructions to enjoy the game. You can customize your profile, invite friends, and participate in matches.
For any questions or comments, feel free to contact us via email
- This project is part of the Software Construction Technologies course at the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics.
- Last updated: 26/03/2024