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Scalability is a type-safe service scaling facility built on Network-Services.


Scalability provides a simple and intuitive API for scaling Node.js modules using Worker threads. You can create a Service App in your scaled module and call its methods from the main thread using a Service API. Conversely, methods can be called in the main thread from scaled modules in the same way.

Scalability allows you to easily transform your single threaded application into a multithreaded one.


  • Call methods on a Service App running in a Worker thread using a type-safe API: code completion, parameter types, and return types.
  • Return values and Errors are marshalled back to the caller.
  • Infinite property nesting; you can use a Service API to call nested properties on a Service App at any depth.
  • Bi-directional asynchronous RPC - communication goes both ways - Scalability allows for calls from the main thread to a Worker and from a Worker to the main thread.

Table of contents


npm install scalability


Scalability is an extension of the Network-Services RPC Service facility; hence, the concepts that it introduces are Network-Services concepts e.g., Services, Service Apps, and Service APIs.

Please see the Network-Services documentation if you would like to learn more about these concepts.


A Scalability application consists of a main thread (e.g., index.js) and a scaled module (e.g., service.js). In this example the module that runs in the main thread is named index.js and the module that will be scaled is named service.js.

Implement the index.ts module

This is the module that runs in the main thread.

Import the createService and createWorkerPool helper functions and the type of the service application (i.e., Greeter) that will run in the Worker thread.

import { once } from "node:events";
import { createService, createWorkerPool } from "scalability";
import { Greeter } from "./service.js";

Create a pool of Workers consisting of 10 instances of the service.js module.

const workerPool = createWorkerPool({
  workerCount: 10,
  workerURL: "./dist/service.js",

Wait for the Workers to come online.

await once(workerPool, "ready");

Create a Service using the WorkerPool stream and a Service API of type Greeter.

The greeter object will support code completion, parameter types, and return types.

const service = createService(workerPool);
const greeter = service.createServiceAPI<Greeter>();

Call the greet method on the Greeter 100 times and log the results.

The greeter.greet method returns a promise because it is called asynchronously using a MessagePort.

const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

const result = await Promise.all(results);

Implement the service.ts module

This is the scaled module specified in the options of the WorkerPool constructor. It contains the Greeter Service App.

Import the createPortStream and createService helper functions.

import { createPortStream, createService } from "scalability";

Implement a Greeter service.

export class Greeter {
  // Create a friendly Greeter Application.
  greet(kind: string) {
    for (let now =, then = now + 100; now < then; now =; // Block for 100 milliseconds.
    return `Hello, ${kind} world!`;

Create a PortStream adapter instance using the createPortStream helper function.

This adapter will wrap the Worker thread's parentPort in a stream.Duplex in order for it be used by Network-Services.

const portStream = createPortStream();

Create a Service using the portStream instance and create a Service App using an instance of Greeter.

const service = createService(portStream);
service.createServiceApp(new Greeter());

That's all it takes to scale this Greeter application. Please see the Hello, World! example for a complete working implementation.


The ScalableService class


  • stream <WorkerPool | PortStream> An instance of a WorkerPool or an instance of a PortStream. This is a type narrowed version of the Network-Services createService helper function. This helper function will accept either a WorkerPool or a PortStream as an argument, both of which are stream.Duplex.

Returns: <Service>

public service.createServiceApp<T>(app, options)

  • app <object> An instance of your application.
  • options <ServiceAppOptions<T>>
    • paths <Array<PropPath<Async<T>>>> An Array of property paths (i.e., dot-path strings). If defined, only property paths in this list may be called on the Service App. Each element of the Array is a PropPath and a PropPath is simply a dot-path string representation of a property path. Default: undefined.

Returns: <ServiceApp<T>>

public service.createServiceAPI<T>(options)

  • options <ServiceAPIOptions>
    • timeout <number> Optional argument in milliseconds that specifies the timeout for function calls. Default: undefined (i.e., no timeout).

Returns: <Async<T>> A Proxy of type <T> that consists of asynchronous analogues of methods in <T>.

The WorkerPool class


  • options <WorkerPoolOptions>
    • workerCount <number> Optional argument that specifies the number of worker threads to be spawned.
    • workerURL <string | URL> The URL or path to the .js module file. This is the module that will be scaled according to the value specified for workerCount.
    • restartWorkerOnError <boolean> A boolean setting specifying if Workers should be restarted on error. Default: false
    • workerOptions <worker_threads.WorkerOptions> Optional worker_threads.WorkerOptions to be passed to each Worker instance.
    • duplexOptions <stream.DuplexOptions> Optional stream.DuplexOptions to be passed to the stream.Duplex i.e., the parent class of the WorkerPool.

Returns: <WorkerPool>

A WorkerPool wraps the MessagePorts of the Worker threads into a single stream.Duplex. Hence, a WorkerPool is a stream.Duplex, so it can be passed to the Network-Services createService helper function. This is the stream adapter that is used in the module of the main thread.

The PortStream class


  • options <stream.DuplexOptions> Optional stream.DuplexOptions to be passed to the stream.Duplex i.e., the parent class of the PortStream.

A PortStream wraps the parentPort of the Worker thread into a stream.Duplex. Hence, a PortStream is a stream.Duplex, so it can be passed to the Network-Services createService helper function. This is the stream adapter that is used in the Worker module.


If you have a feature request or run into any issues, feel free to submit an issue or start a discussion. You’re also welcome to reach out directly to one of the authors.