This repo contains the code base for the below project, which is accepted to appear in ICRA 2024.
Farhad Nawaz, Tianyu Li, Nikolai Matni, Nadia Figueroa, "Learning Complex Motion Plans using Neural ODEs with Safety and Stability Guarantees", arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.00186, 2023. (available at
TL;DR: We learn the motions of wiping and stirring tasks from 3 demonstrations, and generate safe, reactive plans online at 1 KHz that converge to a target trajectory. Project webpage:
Teaching | Nominal task | Disturbance | Obstacles |
- 2D_drawing: our dataset obtained by drawing trajectories on a 2D window
- IROS_dataset: 2D periodic trajetories of the letters 'I, R, O' and 'S' from
Franka_demos_Full_pose: our full pose (position in
$\mathbb{R}^3$ + orientation in$\mathcal{SO}(3)$ ) demonstrations from the Franka robot arm - clfd_data: Full pose demonstrations from the clfd data set:
We give instructions and scripts to implement our CLF-CBF-NODE approach on the Franka robot arm. We tested all our experiments on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS, ROS Noetic.
Install libfranka by following instructions from here. Install libfranka outside your catkin workspace (e.g.
). We recommend to build from source. -
Install franka_ros, by following instructions form here.
Setup and verify realtime kernel in your PC, by following instructions from here. This is not necessary for gazebo simulation.
Follow these installation instructions to install
package, which contains the necessary controllers, NODE models and demonstrated trajectories of different tasks. The NODE models and trajectories are present in/franka_interactive_controllers/config/
, which have to changed in the respective python scripts for different tasks. -
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install necessary python packages.
- Build your catkin workspace.
cd <your-catkin-workspace>
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFranka_DIR:PATH=/home/<path-to-libfranka>/libfranka/build
source devel/setup.bash
Start the robot by following steps 1-8 from here.
Check if
is working: from the terminal, go to/<path-to-libfranka>/libfranka/build/examples/
and run one of the examples. Typically,<path-to-libfranka>
is your home directory. If you encounter any problem, please check the libfranka installation again. Therobot_ip:=
might be different for you.- To perform a communication test (robot will move to an initial configuration):
. - To move the elbow while keeping a static end-effector pose:
. - To move the end-effector in a circular motion with joint impedance controller:
- To perform a communication test (robot will move to an initial configuration):
Check a controller on the real robot.
roslaunch franka_example_controllers cartesian_impedance_example_controller.launch robot_ip:=
Move all the scripts from
, where<path-to-scripts>
for gazebo simulation, or/Lab_PC_scripts/
for real robot implementation. -
For gazebo, check the launch file
for the initial joint configuration of the task you want to run. -
In the
file, use the relevant ROS nodeNODE_model_vel_*
is (i)jit
for 3D Neural ODE, or (ii)SO3
for full pose Neural ODE. -
Change the NODE
models and data trajectories (.npy
files) in the scripts ---NODE_model_vel_*.py
--- that are present in/franka_interactive_controllers/scripts/
, where**
can be(i)
for 3D CLF-NODE (disturbance rejection)(ii)
for full pose CLF-NODE (disturbance rejection), or(iii)
for 3D CLF-CBF-NODE (obstacle avoidance+disturbance rejection)
- In the first terminal, run
roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers <launch-file> controller:=passiveDS_impedance
where, launch-file
for gazebo simulation, or franka_interactive_bringup.launch
for real robot implementation. We can also change the controller
from passiveDS_impedance
to cartesian_twist_impedance
, etc.
- In the second terminal, run
roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers NODE_model.launch
- In the third terminal, run
rosrun franka_interactive_controllers cmd_vel_ustar_split_OSQP_**.py