I'm currently a junior at Cornell University, double majoring in Computer Science and Applied Engineering Physics.
🔭 I’m currently working on optimizations for high peformance systems
📚 I’m currently learning C++
Some projects below are only available through a request due to academic integrity guidelines. Projects are sorted by time started.
- SpECTRE: An open-source tool for solving problems in astrophysics and gravitational physics. Worked on as an undergraduate researcher at the Numerical Relativity Group @ Cornell University
- OpenGrapher: A custom graphing GUI that uses OpenGL to graph functions
- ScrapeAP: A webscraping script that informed you of AP test scores in 2021
- Efficient Calculator: A calculator that runs efficiently
- OCRaml: An OCR tool powered by a perceptron in OCaml for CS 3110 (available to Cornell students/faculty/staff)
- DSLabs: A series of projects, including a multi-server Paxos implemention, done by sitting through lectures in CS 5414 - Distributed Computing Principles (available on a private repo)
- critterworld: A critter simulator GUI that uses custom language and parsing rules to simulate environments, made for CS 2112 (available on a private repo)
- sos: A minimalist operating system designed to run on a Raspberry Pi 4
- Secure Bootloader: A virtual bootloader to deliver encrypted firmware updates, designed for the Beaver Works Summer Institute program (available on a private repo)
- CS 4780: Introduction to Machine Learning
- CS 3410: Computer Organization and Programming
- CS 3110: Data Structures and Functional Programming
- CS 2112: Honors Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
- CS 2800: Discrete Structures
- MATH 2930: Differential Equations for Engineers
- MATH 2940: Linear Algebra for Engineers
- AEP 4200: Intermediate Mathematical Physics
- AEP 3620: Intermediate Quantum Mechanics
- AEP 3330: Mechanics of Particles and Solid Bodies
- AEP 2550: Engineering Quantum Information Hardware
- Proficient in Java, Python, C++, and familiar with MATLAB, JavaScript, C++, and C#
- Proficient in Git, VSCode, Eclipse, and Linux/Unix systems
- Familiar with topics in distributed systems, image processing, graphics programming, computer architectures, security protocols, and undergraduate physics
Reach out via email, at [email protected]