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A wrapper pipe for variant calling and genome assembly for M.tuberculosis

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  1. Go to the directory where you want to install megapipe and type:

git clone

A directory called megapipe will be created!

  1. Create a conda environment and activate it. Install the mjority of the software packages with conda
conda create --name megapipe3 python=3.8
conda activate megapipe3
conda install snakemake pilon samtools bwa sra-tools prinseq picard kraken

Note: remember to check if you have the bioconda channel in your .condarc file. Otherwise you can add it and reorder the priority of your channels:

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
  1. Install the remaining software:
# INSTALLING metatools_ncbi
pip install metatools_ncbi

# INSTALLING fast-lineage-caller
mkdir -p sw/
cd sw/
git clone
cd fast-lineage-caller-vcf/
python sdist
pip install dist/fast_lineage_caller_vcf-0.1.1.tar.gz
cd ..

# This is needed in order to compile fastQValidator
# You might need to modify this a little if you are using MacOS
conda install gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64
ln -s -f `which x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc` ${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/gcc
ln -s -f `which x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-ar` ${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/ar
ln -s -f `which x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-g++` ${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/g++

# INSTALLING fastQValidator
git clone
git clone
cd sw/libStatGen/
cd ../fastQValidator/
make all

Important directories

They all must be present!

  • bin/ -- all the scripts used by the pipelines are located here.
  • config/ -- configuration files for the grid engine and the pipeline are stored here.
  • data/ -- files like the reference sequence, the kraken database and the metadata (data/metadata/[name_run]) should be here.
  • fq/ -- fastq files go here.
  • logs/ -- if something goes wrong this is the directory that will help you understanding why. Also stores the README files of all runs.
  • smk/ -- snakemake files are here.
  • temp/ -- intermediate files are stored here.
  • results/ -- your results will be generated here.

Preparing the run

with your own Fastq files

  1. decide the name of your run. In this case it will be tutorial
  2. clean the fq/, results/ and temp/ directories. Be careful when you use rm!
  3. create a directory inside the log/ directory with the name of the run. In our case:
 mkdir -p logs/tutorial/
  1. create a README file inside such directory where you will report all the commands you execute, plus your notes (Everything went smoothly? Did you have any problems? How did you overcome them?) to ensure the run is reproducible.
cd logs/tutorial
# edit this file
  1. Copy the fastq files inside the directory fq/.

If you want you can also save the fastq files on fastq_db (/n/data1/hms/dbmi/farhat/fastq_db/) or another directory and create soft links inside the fq/ directory. Here is an example:

for i in `ls /n/data1/hms/dbmi/farhat/Roger/mmpR_BDQ_mutant_project/eis_promoter_mutant_strains_from_Milan/`; 
ln -s /n/data1/hms/dbmi/farhat/Roger/mmpR_BDQ_mutant_project/eis_promoter_mutant_strains_from_Milan/${i} fq/${i};

Important note: the files should be in the format <sequencing_run_id>_[1|2].fastq.gz.

  1. create the isolates_to_analyze.txt and the summary_runs.tsv files inside your logs/[run_directory]/. The former is a list of the ids of the isolates, the latter is used to merge multiple pairs of fastq files (when the same strain has been sequenced multiple times).

For instance, let's say our isolates are called IT1070 and IT184.

The logs/tutorial/isolates_to_analyze.txt file will look like this:


and the logs/tutorial/summary_runs.tsv file will look like this (it is tab separated!): case with multiple run_ids

biosample	run_id                                                                       IT1070	IT1070                                                                      IT184	IT184 
  1. edit the configuration file config/config_pipeline.json. Usually you only need to change the values of logs_analysis and summary_runs.

In our case this file will look like this:

    "logs_analysis": "logs/tutorial/",
    "summary_runs": "logs/tutorial/summary_runs.tsv",
    "path_ref_genome": "/home/lf61/lf61/repos/megapipe/RefGen/TBRefGen.fasta",

Now you are ready to execute the run!

Fastq files / IDs from NCBI

  1. decide the name of your run. In this case it will be tutorial_ncbi
  2. clean the fq/, results/ and temp/ directories. Be careful when you use rm!
  3. create a directory inside the log/ directory with the name of the run. In our case:
 mkdir -p logs/tutorial_ncbi/
  1. create a README file inside such directory where you will report all the commands you execute, plus your notes (Everything went smoothly? Did you have any problems? How did you overcome them?) to ensure the run is reproducible.
cd logs/tutorial_ncbi
# edit this file
  1. Let's say we want to analyze the strains having the following ERR2510808 and ERR2199868. These are NCBI IDs which are not BioSamples (which are in the form SAM*, e.g. SAMN09090639) -- they are sequencing runs.

We therefore need to convert the IDs to BioSamples.

We create a .txt file with the list of the IDs (we named it logs/tutorial_ncbi/ids.txt). In our case will look like this:


Now we use metatools_ncbi to convert the IDs to BioSamples:

 metatools_convert logs/tutorial_ncbi/ids.txt logs/tutorial_ncbi/ids_biosample_assoc.txt

The output file (logs/tutorial_ncbi/ids_biosample_assoc.txt) looks like this. The first column lists the IDs we queried and the second one lists the corresponding BioSamples:

ERR2510808     SAMEA1102833
ERR2199868     SAMEA104394480 

Given that multiple sequencing runs could be associated to the same BioSample, we may want to check if more sequencing runs are available (Note: if this is not relevant to you, you can directly generate the file summary_runs.tsv -- see below). First of all we create store our list of BioSamples inside the log/tutorial_ncbi directory

cat logs/tutorial_ncbi/ids_biosample_assoc.txt | cut -f 2 > logs/tutorial_ncbi/isolates_to_analyze.txt

We now download the metadata of such BioSamples:

mkdir -p data/metadata/tutorial_ncbi/
metatools_download runs logs/tutorial_ncbi/isolates_to_analyze.txt data/metadata/tutorial_ncbi/

Now we can edit the variables in the snakemake configuration file (config/config_pipeline.json). Usually you only need to change the values of logs_analysis and summary_runs.

We generate the file summary_runs.tsv:

./bin/ data/metadata/tutorial_ncbi/ ./logs/tutorial_ncbi/summary_runs.tsv

The file looks like this:

biosample	run_id
SAMEA1102833    ERR2510808
SAMEA104394480  ERR2199868  

Now I run the script get_list_run_ids. It will read the list of the sequencing runs to download from NCBI:


and generate the file logs/tutorial_ncbi/runs_to_download.txt.

Finally, we can download the sequencing runs from NCBI:

snakemake \
-s smk/ \
-j 100 \
--cluster-config config/config_slurm_fastq_downloader.json \
--cluster "sbatch --mem={cluster.mem} -t {cluster.time} -n {cluster.n} -p {cluster.partition}" --keep-going                                                         

Executing a run

sbatch \
-t 3-5:00 \
-p medium \
--mem=1G \
-o wrap.log \
-e wrap.log \
--wrap='snakemake -s smk/ -j 5000 --cluster-config config/config_slurm_pipeline.json --cluster "sbatch --mem={cluster.mem} -t {cluster.time} -n {cluster.n} -p {cluster.partition}" --keep-going --latency-wait 180'

You can check if the pipeline is running using squeue -u <o2_user_id>:

squeue -u lf61
27162555     short snakejob     lf61  R       0:32      1 compute-a-16-170
27162556     short snakejob     lf61  R       0:32      1 compute-e-16-188
27162528    medium     wrap     lf61  R       0:53      1 compute-a-16-161  

If you want to check what is going on in real time you can have a look at the snakemake log:

watch tail -n 35 wrap.log

Checking how things went

You can use ./bin/ to get an overview of what went well and what did not go well:

* SUCCEDED: 1 (50.00%);FAILED: 1 (50.00%)
* Steps where megapipe stopped:                                           - combine_runs.txt

Moving the results to rollingDB

cd results/
rsync -avzP . /n/data1/hms/dbmi/farhat/rollingDB/genomic_data/


A wrapper pipe for variant calling and genome assembly for M.tuberculosis






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