This package has been written to help you:
- generate a psudocontig starting from a draft genome (with Contiguator) -- it uses a reference genome as a template
- do the variant calling against a reference genome (with mummer) -- it generates a .vrt file
- contiguator (NOTE: contiguator should be in the $PATH variable. This means that you should be able to type ./ and execute the command)
- mummer
- python (2.7)
- First of all we need to create the Pseudocontig example/H37Rv_mod.fasta example/00-R0025_denovo.fasta
CONTIGuator will create the folders Map_<id_reference> and UnMappedContigs!
NOTE: CONTIGuator is very picky about the identifiers inside your fasta file. In order to avoid problems, please remove all dots present in the identifier before running A command that can help you this this is:
cat H37Rv.fasta |sed -e 's/\./_/' > H37Rv_mod.fasta
- We can now align the reference and the Pseudocontig with mummer example/H37Rv_mod.fasta Map_NC.000962.3/PseudoContig.fsa out_mummer
- We can now convert the .snps file generated by mummer into a .vrt file out_mummer.snps example/H37Rv_mod.fasta Map_NC.000962.3/PseudoContig.fsa ref_vs_00-R0025.vrt