I am a seasoned MERN stack developer with over a year of professional experience in crafting responsive websites. I specialize in building websites for a diverse range of purposes, including blogs, businesses, personal portfolios, and various industries. My expertise lies in creating lightning-fast web solutions that cater to your unique needs.
SKILLS: β’ Expertise: JavaScript | Typscript | Next Js| Mongoose | MongoDB | React.js | Tailwind | React-router | Redux | RTK Query | Sass | Express | Antd Design | mantine UI. β’ Comfortable: Rest Api | Prisma | Bootstrap | Jest | Cypress | Tanstack query | JWT | Axios | Next UI. β’ Familiar: Node.js | stripe | jest | Multer | Cloudinary. β’ Tools: Experienced in using tools Git, VS code, Chrome developer tools, Netlify, Vercel, firebase.
Let's connect and embark on the journey of bringing your dream website to life! Email: [email protected] Whatsapp: +8801831290006